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Author Guidelines

Instructions for authors(download )

The journal “Chemistry, Physics, and Technology of Surface” entertains original review articles and contributions as well as short communications corresponding with its subject-matter: theoretical and experimental examinations of physical, physico-chemical, and biomedical aspects of surface phenomena, adsorption and chemical processes on disperse solid surfaces, forming molecular and supramolecular structures at the interfaces as well as of nanosized and nanostructured materials and coatings.

The decision if the contribution relates to the profile of journal is made by the editorial board. The review procedure is applied to all the articles submitted to the editorial board. We use Single-blind peer review.

General specifications

The limiting volume of an article is of 20 pages (including figures and tables), that of a short communication being of 6 pages. No limitations are applied to review articles and those ordered by the editorial board. A manuscript (1 hard copies signed by all the authors) should be submitted in Ukrainian or English. It must contain an UDC (as stated since 2013) or a PACS index, a summary (up to 10 lines, in the same language), key words (up to 10 items), a text with figures and tables inserted in a proper way, the title of article and abstracts in  Ukrainian (each abstract should be followed by key words (up to 10 items)), and a list of references. In addition to the hard copy, the authors have to submit an electronic file of the manuscript (the text should be designed with MS Word (doc, docx)) to or

When using units, authors should be consistent predominantly with the International System of Units (SI) as well as the IUPAC terminology for names of chemical compounds and methods of investigations.

In the text of the article, including tables and figure captions, all numerical values are presented in a form where the fractional part is separated from the integer part by a dot, not by a comma. It is impossible to indicate simultaneously the values (within entire article) of temperatures in the °C and K scales or the energy values in kJ and in kcal.

When submitting, a covering letter from the authors should be added to the manuscript, an agreement on transfer of authors’ authorities, the information about the authors (proper forms one can find at the journal sie; the corresponding author is to be indicated separately). Authors can also send other documents confirming the performance of the work in a particular institution and the consent of this institution to publish the research materials. A non-compliance with the journal regulations for manuscript preparation is a reason of declining the article.

The proof of the article is sent to the corresponding author for necessary corrections. After revision of the article (as recommended by reviewer or by editorial board), authors are to reply all the remarks and to return corrected manuscript (as a file) to the editorial board. The term of revising should not be more than 1 month for authors from Ukraine and 2 months for foreign authors.

The text of manuscript should be thoroughly edited.

All the abbreviations are to be deciphered, except some widespread ones.

After prototyping the accepted article, the proof is sent to the corresponding author for final concordance. The author has to sent his corrections in three workdays to the editorial board. If the author’s reply has not received in three days, the manuscript is published as unaltered. After that, no author’s correction is possible.

After publishing, the final PDF-file of the article (personal copy) is sent to the author.

Manuscript composition

The manuscript text (font Times New Roman) is typed as single-spaced on А4 (210×297 mm) pages. Page margins should be as follows: upper and lower – 3.0 cm, left and right – 2.2 cm. The manuscript should be assembled as follows: (1) an UDC or a PACS index is quoted at the left of the first row (italics, 10 pt); (2) the authors’ names are pointed out (bold, 12 pt, first names, initials of middle and last names, line-centered); (3) one blank row (10 pt) follows; (4) the title of manuscript is typed in capital letters (bold, 16 pt, line-centered); (5) one blank row (10 pt) follows; (6) the name of organization (organizations) is put followed by its postal and e-addresses (italics, 10 pt, line-centered); (7) one blank row (10 pt) follows; (8) an annotation is typed (italics, type 10 pt) with keywords (up to 10); (9) one blank row (10 pt) follows; (10) this should be followed by the text of article including tables and figures (it is desirable to put the figures into tables in the text ) (11 pt), and it is recommended to divide the text according to subject headings (capital letters, 11 pt); (11) the title of article (bold, 12 pt, line-centered), the authors’ names are pointed out (bold, 10 pt, first names, initials of middle and last names, line-centered), the name of organization (organizations) is put followed by its postal and e-addresses (italics, 10 pt, line-centered), summaries in Ukrainian are added (italics, 10 pt); (12) list of references is quoted.

Annotation of the article 

The summary should be expanded (at least 1800 symbols). It is to be clearly structured: novelty, the aim of the research, materials, methods, results, conclusions (i. e. entire article concluded in a short abstract). The author’s summary must be a source of information as independent on the article.

It should be taken into account that the abstract is an important source of information for readers about the article. By annotation, they estimate the publication and determine their interest in the work.

The author's summary is intended to be a source of information, regardless of the article. The following guidelines can be recommended to help you write annotations. The author's resume is a summary of the work, which is published separately from the main text and, therefore, should be understandable itself. It must state material facts, not exaggerate or contain material that is missing in the main part. The author's summary includes:

1. Purpose (subject, topic) of the work in a concise form.

2. Method or methodology of the work.

3. The results of the work are described very accurately and informatively. The main theoretical and experimental results, actual data, discovered relationships and patterns are presented. At the same time, preference is given to new results and data of long-term significance, important discoveries, conclusions that refute existing theories, as well as data that, in the author's opinion, are of practical importance.

Bibliographic references

The list of references is arranged in the order in which they appear in the text where they are indicated as numbers in square brackets. The unpublished materials must not be referenced to.

All the co-authors of the articles cited must be indicated.

The number of references to the works of any author cannot exceed 10% of the total number of references.

When citing references in English translated into Ukrainian, the original publication is to be cited; when sources in Ukrainian are cited, the reference must be ended as (in Ukrainian). Nevertheless, if such sources have relative translations into English, the publications in English should be cited.

The list of references is designed without use of hyphens, symbols /, and //.

Sample of designing list of references:



Articles in periodicals (journals and collections):

1. Georgakilas V., Otyepka M., Bourlinos A.B. Chandra V., Kim N., Kemp K.C., Hobza P., Zboril R., Kim K.S. Functionalization of graphene: covalent and non-covalent approaches, derivatives and applications. Chem. Rev. 2012. 112(11): 6156.

2. Soloviev S.A., Kurilets Ya.P., Orlik S.N., Pavlikov V.N., Garrnash E.P. Oxidation of finely dispersed carbon on coated oxide catalysts. Theor. Exp. Chem. 2003. 39(5): 330.

3. Goncharuk V.V., Smirnov V.N., Syroyeshkin A.V., Malyarenko V.V. Clusters and gigantic heterophase water clusters. J. Water Chem. Technol. 2007. 29(1): 1.

4. Gichan O.I. Bistable states at electrified interface. Him. Fiz. Tehnol. Poverhni. 2014. 5(2): 129. [in Ukrainian].


5. Remy H. Lehrbuch der Anorganischen Chemie. Band 1. (Leipzig: AkademischeVerlagsgesellschaft, 1970).

6. Lever A.B.P. Inorganic Electronic spectroscopy. (Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 1986).

7. Johnson S., Nguyen V., Coder D. Assessment of Cell Viability. In: Current Protocols in Cytometry. (NY: Core Publ., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997).

8. Abrikosov N.Kh., Shelimova L.Ye. Semiconductor materials based on compounds of A4B6. (Moscow: Nauka, 1975). [in Russian].

Thesis Abstract:

9. Ivanov M.I. Ph.D (Chem.) Thesis. (Kyiv, 1984). [in Russian].

10. Perminova I.V. Doctoral (Chem.) Thesis. (Moscow, 2000). [in Russian].

Materials of conferences:

11. Konovalenko A.A. New antennas and methods for the low frequency stellar and planetary radio astronomy. In: Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions (PRE VII). Proc. 7th Int. Workshop (Sept. 15, 2010, Graz, Austria). P. 521.

12. Ioni Y.V., Tkachev S.V. Use of a composite nanoparticle Rh on surface modified graphene oxide as a catalyst in the hydroformylation reaction. In: Lomonosov-2013: Proc. Int. Conf. (Moscow, 2013). P. 34. [in Russian].


13. Patent US 4094951. Ishikawa T., Kanemaru T., Teranishi H., Onishi K. Composites of oxidized graphite material and expanded graphite material. 1978.

14. Patent UA 78047. Danilov M.A., Slobodianiuk I.O., Rusetsky I.A., Kolbasov G.Y. Oxygen electrode for current sources based on reduced graphene oxide. 2013.

15. Patent RF 2365617. Varfolomeev S.D., Nikiforov G.A., Vasilyev V.B., Makarov G., Trusov L.I. Step-up an antiknock value addition to petrol. 2009.

Other references:

16. Pre-clinical study of enterosorbents. Regulatory Document of Ministry of Health of Ukraine. 2010.

17. State Standard of Ukraine. (DSTU 2251-93).

18. Interstate Standard (GOST 8.134-98). State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. pH Scale for aqueous solutions.


If it is possible, every item should be supplied with DOI index.



The tables (if there are several ones) are numbered. The headings of columns should be written totally, full-length, in bold, with indicating units. Only variables should be put into tables whereas stationary conditions of experiments are quoted in the text or in the table title in brackets. The foot-notes to a table are typed directly after it. The tables should confirm the text material. It is necessary to avoid bulky tables (occupying more than 2/3 page including headings and foot-notes) and those impossible to be placed a flat within a page.


The figures (black-and-white only) should be submitted as separated e-files (size up to 7.8×7.8 cm, formats BMP, JPEG, WMF, TIFF, OPJ). If a group of figures (a, b, c, …) is united by a caption, every figure should be submitted separately. The plots are design without coordinate grid, the notices on figures (Times New Roman, 10 pt) should be short and, if possible, substituted by numerals or letters decoded in the foot-notes. The curves should be numbered by Arabic numerals or letters. One-type curves should have the same scale in the single figure. It is recommended to apply several scales for unification of different curves into a single figure. It is undesirable to depict structural and other formulas in the figures. In addition, a list of figure captions should be submitted as a separate file (10 pt).


Formulas must be composed in formula editor such as Equation or MatType. The articles with formulas inserted by hand cannot be accepted.

Postal address of Editorial Board: Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine, Editorial Board of the Journal «Chemistry, Physics, and Technology of Surface», 17 General Naumov Str., Kyiv, 03164, Ukraine.

A sample of manuscript arranging and instructions for authors are available at the Web-site of the journal:


 About authers(download)


Copyright Notice

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.
  2. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.
  3. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.



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