Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface, 2011, 2 (4), 482-487.

Interaction of nucleic acid components with proflavine on silica surface

N. N. Vlasova, L. P. Golovkova, N. G. Stukalina


The adsorption of adenine nucleotides from aqueous solution onto silica modified with proflavine as functions of pH and adsorbate concentration has been studied. Nucleotide anions interact with profavine bound with neutral surface silanol group by hydrogen bonds. The equilibrium reaction constants of complex formation between nucleotide anions and proflavine have been calculated. It has been assumed that, interaction between aromatic rings of adenine and proflavine as well as additional electrostatic interaction between phosphate anions and protonated nitrogen atom of proflavine are possible at the nucleotide adsorption.


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Copyright (©) 2011 N. N. Vlasova, L. P. Golovkova, N. G. Stukalina

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