Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface, 2012, 3 (1), 94-101.

Effect of Moisture Adsorption and Surface State on Conductivity and Strength of Glass Fibre Reinforced Composites

Yu. A. Shevlyakov, A. G. Girchenko, B. M. Gorelov, V. N. Mishchenko


In glass fibre reinforced epoxy and polyester resins the effect of adsorbed water, thermal treatment at 400°C and modification of the filament surface with polymethylsiloxane hydrophobisator on conductivity and ultimate compression strength has been investigated. It has been shown that the water adsorption along the interface is dominant in the composites and its value determines the maximum conductivity. The changes of the surface state of filaments stimulate the variations of conductivity and ultimate strength. Their behavior depends on the number of molecules of lubricant and hydrophobisator on the filament surface.

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Copyright (©) 2012 Yu. A. Shevlyakov, A. G. Girchenko, B. M. Gorelov, V. N. Mishchenko

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