Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface, 2015, 6 (4), 545-553.

Impact of nanocomposites with prolonged release of bioactive substances on the vital activity of yeast cells


I. V. Siora, O. S. Kukolevska, T. V. Krupska, I. I. Gerashchenko


As a result of a study on the kinetics of carbon dioxide formation during alcohol fermentation, the stimulating effect of zinc containing nanomaterials on Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast has been found. By the method of in vivo staining with trypan blue it has been shown that film of polyurethane the least damages yeast cells among the polymer matrices without filler (polyurethane, interpenetrating nets with polyurethane and poly (2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate)). Vice versa, nanocomposites containing silica modified with silver nitrate reduce yeast viability with increasing content of polyurethane in the matrix. This feature correlates with the rate of release of silver ions from nanocomposites to the aqueous medium.


nanoparticles of silica; polyurethane; poly(2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate); silver nitrate; zinc sulfate; glycine; tryptophan; yeast; trypan blue; bioactivity

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Copyright (©) 2015 I. V. Siora, O. S. Kukolevska, T. V. Krupska, I. I. Gerashchenko

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