Study of the physical-chemical and sorption properties of SnO2 prepared by mechanochemical and microwave routes
There are many methods for synthesis of tin dioxide SnO2, namely sol-gel, precipitation. However, these methods do not allow to regulate the physical-chemical properties in wide limits in the synthesis stage. The most commonly obtained samples are predominantly microporous as a rule. On the other hand, the meso-macroporous structure is required for the effective use of tin dioxide in sorption processes. The mechanochemical and microwave treatments can be used for eliminating mentioned above disadvantages. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to study the influence of the mechanochemical and microwave treatments on the physical-chemical and sorption properties of SnO2 prepared by heterogeneous precipitation.
SnO2 gels and xerogels have been obtained by heterogeneous precipitation. The mechanochemical treatment was carried out in air and water at 300 rpm for 0.5 h in the form of dried xerogel as well as wet gel using a planetary ball mill Pulverisette-7. Initial wet gel was subjected to microwave treatment for 1 h using a high-pressure reactor «NANO 2000». We used XRD and DTA-TG analysis, FTIR spectroscopy, adsorption-desorption of nitrogen for characterization of initial and modified samples.
The initial sample corresponds to the composition tin oxohydroxide with gross formula Sn3O4(OH)4. For the modified samples a partial removal of the structural OH groups occurs. The initial sample is characterized by high values of specific surface area and high content of micropores. The specific surface area, total volume of pores, mesoporous size are increased as a result of the mechanochemical and microwave treatments. Formation of the secondary porosity that presented by meso- and macropores is peculiarity of xerogel milling in water.
The cation exchange capacity under the most optimal conditions for the sorption of U(VI) ions (pH = 5–6, no background, cationic forms of uranium) for the initial sample was 0.82 mEq/g UO22+. The mechanochemical and microwave treatments result in drastic increase in sorption capacity of tin oxohydroxide in relation to U(VI) ions. The greatest effect was observed for sample milled in the form of wet gel, the sorption capacity А of which increases almost in three times while distribution coefficient Kd increases almost 70 times. In case of sorption on the background of 0.1 M NaHCO3 (pH 8, model of block water of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant), the sorption capacity of sample after mechanochemical treatment of gel increases by 43 % compared to initial sample from 0.31 to 0.43 mEq/g UO22+. Thus, modified samples can remove both cationic and anionic forms of U(VI) ions in the solution. At the same time, for sorption of Cs(I) and Sr(II) ions, it has been found, that in both cases the mechanochemical and microwave treatments negatively affect to their removal in comparison with initial sample.
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Copyright (©) 2018 M. M. Samsonenko, O. I. Zakutevskyy, S. V. Khalameida, J. Skubiszewska-Zięba, M. F. Kovtun

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