Research on crystal structure and morphology of the surfaces of thin films of PbTe and PbTe < Bi2Te3 >
The structural characteristics and surface morphology of PbTe thin films and PbTe<Bi2Te3> film composites grown by pulsed laser deposition at TS = 200 °C, with surface consisting of small grains of about 100 nm in size, are examined. On the basis of the analysis of the results of AFM images, the processes of structure formation of PbTe and PbTe<Bi2Te3> condensates on different substrates were studied. It is shown that the processes of nucleation of semiconductor grains are dominated by the Volmer-Weber mechanism, in which three-dimensional nanoscale superstructures are formed on the surface of the substrate. A feature of the two AFM images is that the surface of the films is uniform and fine-grained. The surface morphology shows that a large number of particles are uniformly distributed throughout the surface. The surface roughness, the size of the nanocrystals in the lateral direction and their height are determined.
The structure characteristics and parameters of the crystal lattice of thin films grown by X-ray diffractometry were determined. The diffraction dependences for the PbTe<Bi2Te3> film are presented. It is found that the presence of sharp peaks in the diffraction patterns of pure PbTe indicates the polycrystalline nature of the films. Indices of defined crystalline planes at the peaks are indicated. The nature of the dependences is confirmed by the rock salt structure (NaCl). According to the structure studies, it has been found that increasing grain size can be seen as a columnar increase in grain in the structure.
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Copyright (©) 2020 Y. V. Tur, Y. V. Pavlovskyi, I. S. Virt

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