Adding antibacterial/antiviral properties to medical purpose materials by modification with silver and copper nanoparticles
In modern times, especially during epidemics and pandemics, respiratory protection becomes especially important. One of the most effective means of protection against airborne infections such as influenza, SARS, and COVID-19 is 3-layer medical mask. The aim of this research is to modify medical purpose materials with Ag NPs and a mixture of Ag and Cu NPs to give their surface antibacterial/antiviral properties.
The study of the adsorption properties of medical purpose fabrics (using BET method for determining the specific surface area and distribution of pores by size depending on their radius in the tested fabric sample) has shown that their surface is characterized by the presence of micro-, meso-, and macropores, which is why, in addition to its high adsorption capacity for various substances, it can be used for modification with NPs using the method of adsorption from solutions. The nanoparticles are encapsulated by the porous structure of the tissue and retained in mesopores of 2–50 nm in size due to the action of capillary forces. To give the surface of medical purpose materials antibacterial/antiviral properties, a water-glycerol nanosuspension of Ag and a bicomponent water-glycerol nanosuspension of Ag and Cu were applied to their surface by the method of adsorption from solution. To modify the fabric, we used nanoparticles implanted physically (using ion-plasma technology in an environmentally friendly technological cycle, the ELIPS technology) into food glycerol and stabilized in it without the slightest additional chemical reagents. The initial suspension with Ag and Cu NPs and the structural transformations of immobilized nanoparticles on the tissue surface were studied by electron microscopy and micro-X-ray spectral analysis.
The results of a comprehensive study of the antiviral, antimicrobial, and antimycotic activity of Ag NPs and a mixture of Ag NPs and Cu has shown that bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal effects were observed at Ag NP concentration of 10 ppm. The composites of Ag and Cu NPs stabilized by silicon dioxide NPs were more active in inhibiting the growth of both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria than those without the addition of silicon dioxide NPs.
Thus, NP-modified fabrics can be recommended for the manufacture of the middle layer of 3-layer medical masks, medical dressings, various underwear pads, baby nappies and diapers, bedding, medical uniforms, and other types of medical purpose products.
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