Professor Mirtemir Kurbanov


Professor Mirtemir Kurbanov


Current Position:

Doctor of Sciences (Technical Science.), Professor,

Deputy Director for Science Institute of Ion Plasma and Laser Technologies of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan




 Institute of Ion-Plasma and Laser Technologies of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan named after U.A. Arifov (IIP&LT); Tashkent; Uzbekistan




Phone: +998 97 752 14 85

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 Research interests:

Material Science and Nanotechnology, Development, Modification and Creation of Nanomaterials Based on Silicon and Carbon



Doctor of Science (in Technical Sciences)

1988 – 1991

PhD (in Physics and Mathematics)

Postgraduate Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences Main Observatory, St. Petersburg

1980 – 1984

Student Saint Petersburg State University, Mathematics and Mechanics Department, St. Petersburg

1978 – 1980

Student National University of Uzbekistan, Department of Physics (Uzbekistan)

03.07.2017 -  till now









1.07.2016 – 01.07.2017




07.06.2010 – 30.06.2016

Deputy Director for Science IIP&LT of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent. Management of the work of scientific laboratories for the implementation of national and international scientific projects, new developments and technologies. Head of scientific projects on the technology of metallurgical silicon, silicon alloys and materials science.

Vice – Rector for Research and Innovation Tashkent State Technical University (at the same time in the position Deputy Director for Science IIP&LT of the Academy Sciences of Uzbekistan)

Senior Researcher of the Tashkent State Technical University

Project Manager; Deputy Director for the Commercialization of Science

Management of a research project and work with industrial enterprises on the commercialization of scientific research.

Project Manager; Deputy Director for the Commercialization of Science IIP&LT of the Sciences Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent.

Managing the work at the Institute for the commercialization of scientific and technical results: technologies, new developments, scientific, analytical and measuring instruments in the domestic and international markets.


Selected publications in recent years:


  1. Huifen Peng, Shuangbin Han, Jiamin Zhao, Olga Klimova-Korsmik, Oleg Viktorovich Tolochko, Mirtemir Shodievich Kurbanov, Chengwei Zhang, Puguang Ji, Gong kai Wang. 2D Heterolayer-Structured MoSe2 Carbon with Fast Kinetics for Sodium-Ion Capacitors. Inorganic Chemistry, 2023, 62, 1602−1610. IF=5.165.
  2. B.M. Abdurakhmanov, M.Sh. Kurbanov, U.M. Nuraliev and L.S. Andriyko. Application of Methane and Micro Silica for Silicon Carbide Synthesis. Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, Vol. 61, No 5-6, 2022. IF = 0.913. doi 10.1007/s11106-022-00317-6
  3. M. Kurbanov, S. Tulaganov, U. Nuraliev, L. Andriyko, O. Goncharuk, N. Guzenko, Y. Nychyporuk, A. Marynin. Comparative Characteristics of the Structure and Physicochemical Properties of Silica Synthesized by Pyrogenic and Fluoride Methods. Silicon, 2023, 15(3), pp. 1221–1233. IF= 4,6.
  4. M.Sh. Kurbanov, U.M. Nuraliev, J.A. Panjiev, S.A. Tulaganov, M. Ernazarov, L.S. Andriyko. Fluoride technology for processing copper production slag at Almalyk MMC and the possibility of its application for the synthesis of highly dispersed silica dioxide. Technical Science and Innovation. 2022, №3, рр. 37-45.
  5. Kai Wang, Xiaobin Zhong, Yaohui Zhang, Pengting Li, Yi Tan, Yangang Zhang, Zhiwen Zhang, Jian Zhu, Kurbаnov Mirtemir Shodievich, Junfei Liang, Hua Wang. Economic synthesis of sub-micron brick-like Al-MOF with designed pore distribution for lithium-ion battery anodes with high initial Coulombic efficiency and cycle stability. Dalton Transactions, 2022, Vol. 51, Issue 17, 6787-6794. IF=4.569.
  6. B.M. Abdurakhamanov, M.M. Adilov, Kh.B. Ashurov, M.Sh. Kurbanov, L.O. Olimov. Modernization of production technology and new aspects of the use of technical silicon and multisilicon. Khujand, "Nuri Marifat", 2022, -336 p.
  7. Ji P., Liu Y., Han Sh., Yan Y., Tolochko O.V., Strativnov E., Kurbanov M.Sh., Wang H., Zhang Ch., Wang G. Synergistical heterointerface engineering of Fe-Se nanocomposite for high-performance sodium-ion hybrid capacitors. Rare Metals, 2022, 41, 7, 2470–2480. IF=2,44.
  8. Patent FAP 01956. A device for processing slag from metallurgical production. M.Sh. Kurbanov, Abdurakhmanov B.M., M. Ernazarov, S.A. Tulaganov, U.M. Nuraliev. Official bulletin of the Supreme Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, No. 6, 06/30/2022, pp. 206-207.
  9. Patent IAP 06917. A method of manufacturing granular silicon for thermal energy converters. Abdurakhamanov B.M., Adilov M.M., Ashurov M.Kh., Ashurov H.B., Kurbanov M.Sh. Official Bulletin of the Supreme Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, No 5, May 31, 2022.
  10. Patent IAP 06835. Method for the production of silicon. Kurbanov M.Sh., Yolkin K.S., Yolkin D.K. Official Bulletin of the Supreme Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, No 4, 04/29/2022, p. 68-69.
  11. Patent IAP 06853. Converter of concentrated solar radiation. Abdurakhamanov B.M., Adilov M.M., Ashurov M.Kh., Kurbanov M.Sh.. Official Bulletin of the Supreme Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, No 4, 04/29/2022, p. 90-91.
  12. Patent IAP 06836. Technical silicon smelting method and device for its implementation. Abdurakhamanov B.M., Ashurov M.Kh., Kurbanov M.Sh., Ashurov H.B., Tulaganov S.A. Official Bulletin of the Supreme Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, No 4, 04/29/2022/
  13. J. Wang, Q. Zhu, F. Li, J. Chen, H. Yuan, Y. Li, P. Hu, M.Sh. Kurbanov, H. Wang. Low-temperature and High-rate Zn Metal Batteries Enabled by Mitigating Zn2+ Concentration Polarization. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 433, 1, 134589., IF=13,273.
  14. R. Bai, M. Zhang, X. Zhang, S. Zhao, W. Chen, N. Chen, P. Ji, M.Sh. Kurbanov, H. Wang, H. Gou, G.  Wang. «A Multidimensional Topotactic Host Composite Anode Toward Transparent Flexible Potassium-Ion Microcapacitors». ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, Vol.14, 1, 1478−1488. IF= 9.229.
  15. M.Sh. Kurbanov, U.M., Nuraliev, Zh.A. Panzhiev, S.A. Tulaganov, M. Ernazarov. Pilot plant for processing copper slags produced by Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant and properties of synthesized amorphous silica powders. Uzbek Physics Journal, 2022, Vol.24, No.1, -p.67-75. https//
  16. B.M. Abdurakhmanov, M.Sh. Kurbanov, U.M. Nuraliev “Synthesis of silicon carbide using natural gas and microsilica”. Reports of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, 2022, No. 1, pp. 12-16.
  17. M.Sh. Kurbanov, S.A. Tulaganov, M. Ernazarov, L.S. Andriyko, A.I. Marinin, A.Yu. Shevchenko. Amorphous Silica Properties, Synthesized from Slags of the Copper-Smelting Production. Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 2021, Vol. 13 No 6, 06024(6pp). doi: 10.21272/jnep.13(6).06024.
  18. M.Sh. Kurbanov, U.M. Nuraliev, S.A. Gubin, A.V. Kudinov, I.V. Maklashova. Thermodynamic calculation of carbothermic reduction of silicon using methane. Journal of Physics, 2021, Vol. 2036, p. 012018, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2036/1/012007.
  19. M.Sh. Kurbanov, B.L. Oksengendler. Nanofractals and briquetting technology. Journal of Physics, 2021, Vol. 2036, p. 012018, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2036/1/012018.
  20. B.M. Abdurakhmanov, M.Sh. Kurbanov, U.M. Nuraliev, V.M. Rotshtein, U.N. Ruziev Carbothermal synthesis of silicon carbide nanopowders using microsilica// Uzbek Journal of Physics, 2021, Vol.23, No.1, -p.57-64.
  21. B.M. Abdurakhmanov, M.Sh. Kurbanov, S.A. Tulaganov, M. Ernazarov, L.S. Andriyko, A.I. Marinin, A.Yu. Shevchenko. Synthesis of highly dispersed powders of amorphous silicon dioxide from man-made metallurgical waste// Uzbek Journal of Physics, 2021, Vol.23, No. 1, р. 65-74. doi:
  22. Patent IAP 06456. Method for conducting reduction melting of technical silicon in electric furnaces. Kurbanov M.Sh., Yolkin K.S., Yolkin D.K.// Official Bulletin of the Supreme Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, No 4, 04/30/2021, р. 46.
  23. B. M. Abdurakhmanov, M. M. Adilov, M. Sh. Kurbanov. Thermal energy converters based on granular silicon. Journal of Physics, 2020, v. 1686, 012050. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1686/1/012050.
  24. D.V. Alyabev, I.D. Yadgarov, M.Sh. Kurbanov, A.N. Ulukmuradov and V.G. Stelmakh. Simulation of the processes of carbon atom and nanographene interaction with a molecule of fullerene C60. Journal of Physics, 2020, Vol.1686, 012060. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1686/1/012060.
  25. B.M. Abdurakhmanov, M.M. Adilov, Kh.B. Ashurov, M.Sh. Kurbanov. Converters of the Thermal Component of Concentrated Solar Radiation Based on Granular Silicon //Applied Solar Energy. – USA. 2020, Vol. 56, №4, p. 257–262. IF= 0.309 doi:10.3103/S0003701X20040039