Professor Yuri V. Savelyev


Professor Yuri V. Savelyev

Current Position:

Doctor of Sciences (Chem.), Professor,

Head of the Department of Heterochain Polymer Chemistry & Interpenetrating Polymer Networks

Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine




Phone: +38 (044) 296-7062

48, Kharkivske Shausse, 02160, Kyiv, Ukraine


Research interests:

Functional polymers, polyurethanes (inc. water-born, foams) and related polymers, hybrid organic-inorganic (nano)composites, adhesives and protective coatings, bioactive polymers, environtmentally friendly and degradable polymers, renewable resources based polymers


Grants, International Projects:

INTAS 93-3379-ext (National Technical University of Athens, Greece);

INTAS 1997-1936 (National Technical University of Athens, Greece);

NATO RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS, 1999 (National Technical University of Athens, Greece);

STCU 375(1997-1999) (Science and Technology Center in Ukraine, USA financing party);

STCU U071 (2003-2005) (Science and Technology Center in Ukraine, USA financing party);

NATO Science for Peace Program SfP 977995 (2003-2006);

Programme cooperation between National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic. Project “Development of Polyurethane Foams and based materials for multi-vectorial application for human and environmental protection” (2008-2010);

Programme cooperation between National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and TUBITAC (Turkey). Project “Development of the novel nanostructured hybrid silica-organic systems based on functional polyurethane(urea)s” (2009-2011)

7th Framework Programme/Marie Curie Actions/International Research Staff Exchange Scheme /Project “COMPOSITUM”- Hybrid nanocomposites and their applications” (2009-2012).

Programme cooperation between National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Academy of Sciences of Romania, Project “Development of multifunctional organic and organic-inorganic polymeric materials on the base of components with different chemical nature (2012-2016)

Programme cooperation between National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Academy of Sciences of Poland, Project "Development of newest polymer nanocomposites with high performance using the perspective carbon filler" (2015-2017)

Targeted scientific and technical program of defense research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2016-2024).



More than 560 publications and patents

Selected Publications:

  1. Savelyev Yu.V. Polyurethane Thermoplastic Elastomers comprising Hydrazine Derivatives: Chemical Aspects. In: Handbook of Condensation Thermoplastic Elastomers. Wiley-VCH GmbH&Co. KgaA. 2005. P.355-380.
  2. Kalogeras I.M., Roussos M., Vassilikou-Dova A., Pissis P., Savelyev Yu., Shtompel V.I., Robota L.P. Structure and relaxation dynamics of poly(amide urethane)s with bioactive transition metal acetyl acetonates in hard blocks. Eur.Phys. J. E. 2005. 18: 467.
  3. Travinskaya T., Savelyev Yu. Aqueous polyurethane-alginate mixtures: thermo responsive and mechanical properties. Eur. Polymer J. 2006. 42(2): 388.
  4. Savelyev Yu.V., Veselov V.Ya., Kharitonova V.K., Savelyeva O.A., Shtompel V.I., Perekhrest A.I., Travinskaya T.V., Kanapitsas A., Pissis P. Synthesis and structural peculiarities of 1,1-dimethylhydrazine based polyurethane. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2009. 112(5): 2732.
  5. Savelyev Yu.V., Rudenko A., Robota L., Koval E., Savelyeva О., Markovskaya L., Veselov V. New polymers for protecting crew and structural elements of orbital station against microor-ganisms thgrought long-term operation. Acta Astronautica. 2009. 64(1): 36.
  6. Khosravi E., Yagci Yu. and Savelyev Yu. (Eds). New Smart Materials via Metal Mediated macromolecular Engineering: from Complex to Nano-Structures. Springer. NATO Science Series A., 2009.
  7.  Kripotou S., Pissis P., Savelyev Yu., Robota L., Travinskaya T. Polymer Dynamics in Polyurethane/clay Nanocomposites Studied by Dielectric and Thermal Techniques. Journal of Macromolecular Science B. 2010. 49: 86.
  8. Travinskaya T., Perekhrest A., Savelyev Yu., Kanellopoulos N., Papadopoulos K., Agiamarnioti K. Simulation of polyurethane/activated carbon surface interactions. Applied Surface Science. 2010. 256: 4391.
  9. Savelyev Yu. Polymer materials against of microorganism’s attack. In: Science against microbial pathogens: communi-cating current research and technological advances (Ed. by Antonio Méndez-Vilas). Formatex Research Center, Spain, 2011. Vol. 1. P. 122.
  10. Savelyev Yu., Gonchar А., Travinskaya Т. Monmorillonite Modified With Oligourethane Ammonium Chloride and Based Nanostructured Polymers. American Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2013. 1(4): 87.
  11. Travinskaya T., Savelyev Yu., Mishchuk E. Waterbone polyurethane based on starch containing materials: preparation, properties and biodegrability. J. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 2014. 101: 102.
  12. Savelyev Yu., Veselov V., Markovskaya L., Savelyeva O., Akhranovich E., Galatenko N., Robota L., Travinskay T.V. Preparation and Characterization of new biologically active polyurethane foams. Material Science and Engineering C. 2014. 45: 127.
  13. Savelyev Yu.V., Gonchar A.N., Travinskaya T.V. New Montmorillinite Modifier for Creation of Polyurethane Acrylate/Organoclay Nanocomposites by in situ Polymerization. Chemical Engineering&Chemical Research. 2015. 2(2): 511. 
  14. Antibacterial polyurethane materials with silver and copper nanoparticles / Yurii Savelyev, Alexey Gonchar, Boris Movchan, Alexey Gornostay, Sergey Vozianov, Adel Rudenko, Rita Rozhnova, Tamara Travinskaya // Materials Today: Proceedings V. 4. – 2017. – P. 87–94.
  15. Antibacterial polyurethane materials with silver and copper nanoparticles / Yurii Savelyev, Alexey Gonchar, Boris Movchan, Alexey Gornostay, Sergey Vozianov, Adel Rudenko, Rita Rozhnova, Tamara Travinskaya // Materials Today: Proceedings V. 4. – 2017. – P. 87–94.
  16.  Модифікування поверхні монтморилоніту олігоуретаном, що містить  функціональні аміногрупи / Гончар О.М., Савельєв Ю. В. // Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні. – 2019,  Т. 10. – С. 87-93.
  17.  Нові захисні матеріали для підвищення експлуатаційної надійності військових об’єктів / Савельєв Ю. В., Марковська Л.А., Пархоменко Н.Й., Ахранович О.Р., Савельєва О.О.,  Литвяков В.І., Олійник К.А. // Озброєння та військова техніка. – 2020, №4(28). – С.89 -97.
  18. Structural peculiarities, thermal and viscoelastic properties of ionomeric polyurethanes based on renewable raw materials / Т. V. Travinskaya  A.N. Brykova, N.V. Babkina, Y.P. Mamunya,V.I. Shtompel, L. P. Robota and Y.V. Savelyev // International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization. – 2021, V.26, №5. – Р.458-469.
  19. Polyurethaneacrylate/ montmorillonite nanocomposites O.M. Gonchar, Т.V. Travinskaya, Y.V. Savelyev/ Полімерний журнал. – 2021, № 1 (43), С. 3 – 11.
  20. L.V. Karabanova, O.M. Gonchar, S.D. Nesin and Yu. V. Savelyev. Nanocomposites based on polyurethane and modified montmorillonite: thermodynamic approach to reinforcement / International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization. – 2023, Vol.28, No 6. P.537-551.