Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface, 2014, 5 (1), 74-81.

Synthesis and stabilization of Cu nanoparticles in aqueous solutions and their bactericidal activity

I. S. Petrik, A. M. Eremenko, N. P. Smirnova, G. I. Korchak, A. I. Mikhiyenkova


Colloids of copper nanoparticles were synthesized by reduction of copper sulfate and copper acetate in aqueous solutions using sodium tetrahydroborate in the presence of potassium iodide at room temperature. These particles are unstable in comparison with those of silver and gold, especially in the air. Therefore, the additional amount of stabilizers: polyethylene glycol, sodium dodecyl sulfate, colloidal silica and nonionic amphiphilic triblocks copolymer Pluronic have been used. It has been found that stability of Cu increases after stabilizer adding to the fresh-prepared nanoparticles covered with iodine ions. It has been shown that copper nanoparticles have a high bactericidal activity against bacteria Escherichia coli, higher than that of Cu2+ ions as well as oxide layer formed on the Cu nanoparticle surface. Bactericidal activity of CuO is comparable with that of related ions.


copper nanoparticles; bactericidal activity; stabilizer; aqueous solution; Escherichia coli

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Copyright (©) 2014 I. S. Petrik, A. M. Eremenko, N. P. Smirnova, G. I. Korchak, A. I. Mikhiyenkova

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