Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface, 2014, 5 (2), 190-196.

Low Temperature Nanoscale Surface Modification of Stainless Steel by Ion Beams

A. A. Cherny, S. V. Maschenko, V. V. Honcharov, V. A. Zazhigalov


The samples containing chromium, molybdenum and titanium on the base of stainless foil were prepared by low-temperature ionic implantation. The synthesized composites were studied by optical microscopy, atomic force microscopy and sclerometric analysis. Through computer simulation, formation of nanoscale layer on the carrier surface was shown. It has been found that the surface microgeometry of the samples depends on the applied target metal and the implantation dose. The dependence of surface microstructure vs implantation dose have the periodic view. The sclerometric analysis shows that implantation of metal ions allows us to increase in several times the surface mechanical strength in relation to the untreated foil. A perspective of the use of ionic implantation as a technology for preparation of surface nanolayers on the stainless steel was shown. This method can be used for obtaining of new materials with improved physical, chemical and operational characteristics.


ionic implantation; nanoscale layer; stainless steel; implant

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Copyright (©) 2014 A. A. Cherny, S. V. Maschenko, V. V. Honcharov, V. A. Zazhigalov

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