Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface, 2010, 1 (4), 450-456.

Aggregative Properties and Electrochemical Characteristics of the Dimeric Detergents Synthesized from Diepoxides

A. V. Anikeev, T. M. Zubareva, I. A. Belousova, T. M. Prokopyeva, A. F. Popov


Aggregative behavior of dimer (Gemini) cationic detergents were studied by contact low-frequency conductometry in aqueous solutions at 25°С. Detergents have been synthesized on the basis of diepoxy reagents. It is shown that the obtained detergents possess rather high water solubility and are characterized by small critical micellization concentration, low Kraffts temperatures and high micelle ionization degree.

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Copyright (©) 2010 A. V. Anikeev, T. M. Zubareva, I. A. Belousova, T. M. Prokopyeva, A. F. Popov

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