Prof. Anna M. Eremenko

Prof. Anna M. Eremenko



Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Chemistry)

Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Photonics of Oxide Nanosystems 

Telephone.: +380 44 422-96-98

Fax: +380 44 424-35-67


A.M. Eremenko works at the Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine since 1986. She is a member of Specialized Council D 26.210.01 (Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine), and was a member of Europen Photochemical Association (EPA).



Environmental photocatalysis and surface photochemistry, investigationof UV light interaction with the surface of adsorbents, a transfer of electron, proton or exciting energy between adsorbed organic compounds and the active sites of solids - silica, titania and binar oxide systems, synthesis and properties of nanosized metal particles, mechanism study of photocatalytic action of nanosized semiconductors.



1955-1960 - graduated from T.G. Shevchenko Kyiv State University, chemical department

1964-1967 - postgraduate student at the L.V. Pysarzhevskii Institute of Physical Chemistry of AS of UkrSSR

1967 – PhD in Chemistry, specialty “physical chemistry” (candidate dissertation “Molecular Adsorption by Metallized Zeolites”) (in Russian)

1978 - Senior Researcher, specialty “physical chemistry”

1989 - Doctor of Chemistry, specialty “physical chemistry” (doctoral dissertation “Photonics of Adsorbed Complexes of Aromatic Hydrocarbon Molecules on Dispersed Silica Surface”) (in Russian)

1994 - Professor, specialty “physical chemistry”



2006 – awarded the Pisarzhevskii Prize for a series of scientific works "Development of physical and chemical bases of new highly efficient photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical systems and processes" (with corresponding member of NASU Prof. S.Ya. Kuchmiy and Prof. G. Ya Kolbasov)
1996 – supervisor of project "Silica surface diagnostic and creation of photosensitive materials using exiplexes" (Chemistry Department of Notre Dame University, USA)
1997 – supervisor of project " Synthesis of materials for solar energy utilization in ecological photocatalysis " (Institute of Silicate Chemistry of Wurzburg University, Germany)
1999 – supervisor of project " Photofixation of dinitrogen over titanate film catalysts" (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of Erlangen-Nurnberg University, Germany)
2000 – Grant of King's Scientific Society of Great Britain "Study of laser induced processes in heterogeneous media based on titania containing photocatalysts"
2001 – supervisor of project " Photoinduced electron transfer in nonostructured TiO2/SiO2 colloids " (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Warsaw, Poland)
2007 – supervisor of project from Ukraine "Synthesis and investigation of bimetallic (Ag, Au, Pt, Pd) nanoparticles for photocatalytic and antibacterial application"( Chemistry Department of Bilkent University, Turkey).
2010 - supervisor of STCU project "Thechnology development and manufaction of new nanosized antimicrobial materials based on nanoparticles of silver, gold, copper colloids and suspensions of dispersed silica with broad-spectrum action and conjugated nanobiothechnological anticancer drugs with low toxicity".


 250 publications including 5 chapters in books, 10 review articles, 5 patents; supervisor of 16 PhDs and . scientific consultant of 2 Dr. Sci.



  1. Petrik I.S., Eremenko A.M., Marynin A.I., Pasichnyi V.M. Obtaining of silver nanoparticles in the presence of quercetine and rutin flavonoids. Theor. Exp. Chem. 2023. 59(2): 128.
  2. А. Eremenko, I. Petrik, A. Rudenko Targeted requirements for biomedical nanomaterials based on dispersed oxides and textiles modified with metal NPs // Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface. – 2023. – V. 14, № 3. – P. 300-309, DOI:10.15407/hftp14.03.300.
  3. I. Petryk, A. Kravchenko, A. Eremenko, O. Oranska, A. Rudenko, T. Hryts, M. Malysheva, L. Shtanova3, P. Yanchuk, O. Tsimbalyuk, Properties of hemostatic powders based on dispersed silica, sodium alginate and silver nanoparticles Nanosystems, nanomaterials, nanotechnologies, 2022, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 221–233
  4. Ihnatiuk, D., Vorobets, V., Šihor, M.,  Smirnova N., Eremenko A., Linnik O. et al. Photoelectrochemical, photocatalytic and electrocatalytic behavior of titania films modified by nitrogen and platinum species. Appl Nanosci (2021).
  5. I. S. Petrik, A. M. Eremenko,A. P. Naumenko, A. V. Rudenko, Effect of silver and copper nanoparticles on adsorption and fluorescence of tryptophan on the surface of bactericidal textile, Applied Nanoscience 10, 2557–2562 (2020), . DOI:10.1007/s13204-020-01315-z
  6. A. Eremenko, I. Petrik, A. Rudenko, O. Tananaiko, T. Kyrpel, M. Ishchenko, Ion release and bactericidal activity of Ag /Tryptophan and Ag/Cu/Tryptophan complexes in the structure of cotton tissue,  J. Nanomedicinе 2020,3(1), 1025,
  7. Mukha Iu., Vityuk N., Khodko A., Severynovska O., Eremenko A., Structural characterization of gold nanoparticles generated through the use of tryptophan // Functional Materials. – 2020. – V.27 (4) – P.7-11
  8. Eremenko, A.: Photoinduced intermolecular charge transfer processes on pure and modified silica surfaces. Res. Chem. Intermed. 45, 4003–4013 (2019). DOI:10.1007/s13204-020-01315-z
  9. Vityuk, N., Busko, T., Eremenko, A.: Synthesis of TiO2/ZrO2/SiO2 powders and their structural, optical and photocatalytic properties. Res. Chem. Intermed. 45, 4225–4235 (2019). DOI:10.1007/s11164-019-03902-4
  10. Petrik, A. Eremenko, A. Rudenko Enhanced Bactericidal Activity of Cotton Fabrics Modified by Binary Ag/Cu Nanoparticle // World Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2018. V. 3, N. 1, Р. 1-5.
  11.  N.V. Vityuk, A.M. Eremenko, Iu.P. Mukha et al. Formation and stability of gold nanoparticles in colloids prepared by citrate method ISSN 2079-1704//  Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface.. 2023. Т. 14. № 3. С.310-323 UDC 544.77.032.1 doi: 10.15407/hftp14.03.310
  12. Shmarakov, Iu. Mukha, N. Vityuk, V. Borschovetska, N. Zhyshchynska, G. Grodzyuk, A. Eremenko, Antitumor activity of alloy and core-shell type bimetallic AgAu nanoparticles Nanoscale Reasearch Letters 2017,  12:333