Professor Tudor Lupascu


Professor Tudor Lupascu

Date of birth: 2 March 1950.

Place of birth: Flaminzeni, Singerei, Republic of Moldova.

Citizenship: Republic of Moldova.

Current Position:

  • Dr. Sci., Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
  • Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
  • Chief of the Center of Ecological Chemistry and Environmental Protection of the Institute of Chemistry




Phone: +373 22 72 54 90, Fax: +373 22 73 99 54

Institute of Chemistry of ASM, str. Academy nr. 3, MD 2028, Chişinau, R. Moldova.


Research interests:

Chemical, physicochemical and sorption mechanisms of toxic substances on solid supports.Protection of the environment and rational use of natural resources.Ecological chemistry of natural and residual waters.Ecological Chemistry of Wastes.Obtaining technologies of carbonic adsorbents from vegetal raw materials.Surface, groundwater and wastewater purification technologies.Full use of by-products in the wine industry and the obtaining of the biologically active preparations for medicine and agriculture.


Studies, Degrees, titles:

  • 1967-1972: State University of Moldova, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Inorganic Chemistry;
  • 1972-1974: military service;
  • 1974 - 1977: PhD student, Institute of Chemistry of Water and Colloidal Chemistry, Kiev, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
  • 1981: PhD in Chemical Sciences;
  • 2000: Dr. of Sci in chemistry;
  • 2006: Title of professor-researcher.
  • 2009: Honorary Professor of the International University of Vienna.
  • 2012: Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.
  • 2017: Member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.


Professional training and managerial experience:

  • 1971-1972: Laborant, Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova;
  • 1977-1979: Chemist engineer, Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova;
  • 1979-1987: Scientific researcher, senior scientific researcher, Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Science of Moldova;
  • 1987-1990: Scientific coordinator researcher, Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences
  • ofMoldova;
  • 1990-2002: Chief of the Ecological Chemistry Laboratory, Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova;
  • 1995-2001: Deputy Director on Scientifical problems of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova;
  • 2001 - 2018: Director of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.
  • 2019 - Chief of the Center of Ecological Chemistry and Environmental Protection of the Institute of Chemistry

Editorial Activity:

  • 2002 - present: Member of the editorial board of the journal "EnviromentalEnginering and 

    Management Journal "Iaşi, Romania.
  • 2005 - present: co-chair of the Editorial Board of the Journal "Chemistry Journal of Moldova ".
  • 2001- present: member of the Scientific Collegium of the Journal "Environment" Moldova
  • 2010 - present: member of the editorial board of the journal International Journal of Conservation Science. Iasi, Romania
  • 2008 –present: member of the editorial board of the journal "Chemistry, Physics and Technology Surface" Kiev, Ukraina
  • 2010 –present: member of the editorial board of the journal "Water and water purification technologies". Kiev, Ukraine
  • 2016- 2019: member of the editorial board "Chemistry Magazine", Bucharest, Romania.
  • 2019- present: members of the Editorial Board of the Romanian Journal of Ecology & Environmental Chemistry.


Training the staff:

  • 2003 - 2017: Under the leadership and scientific advice of the undersigned it were sustained the thesis of Dr. of Sci - 3 researchers and PhD  - 8 researchers.
  •  2 doctoral theses are prepared for sustaining, 4 PhD students prepare PhD thesis in chemistry in the field of physical chemistry, environmental protection and rational use of natural resources and ecological chemistry.
  • 1995 - 2014: Special lectures "Sorption processes in the environmental protection", Department of Industrial and Ecological Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of USM.
  • 1995 - 2014: it were sustained 21 courseworks, license, master's courses of the students from the Department of Industrial and Ecological Chemistry of FChTCh of the USM and of the Department of Physics and Chemistry of the University of  ASM.
  • From 2016 Special Course at Univ of ASM "New Innovative Technologies for Environmental Treatment" for PhD students.


The most innovated proven relevant elaborations and implementations into practice:

  1. Building materials from 1986 till present.
  2. Activated carbonsfrom regenerable local raw materials at Ecosorbent SRL since 2014.
  3.  Technology of potabilisation of underground waters at the Tiraspol bakery factory in 2015.
  4. Enoxil preparation as grape seed extract for cutaneous solution in 2015.
  5. Technologies for the removing of underground waters from iron, manganese, strontium, ammonium ions.
  6. Biologically active preparations for the increasing of the yield per hectare of the agricultural crops, checked at the BaltiSelection Institute. Institute of Agriculture from Tiraspol, Institute of Horticulture and Food Technologies.
  7. Biologically active preparation for the healing of tested animals at the State Agrarian University and at the ZootechnicalInstitute and Veterinary Medicine.

Awards, Honors:

  • Presidential Award ASM for youth - 1981.

  • State Prize of the Republic of Moldova in the field of science, technology and production - 1996.
  • Award of the Presidents of the Academies of Sciences of Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova - 1997.
  • Presidential Award ASM - 2000.
  • Emeritus of the Republic of Moldova - 2000.
  •  The "60 Years of the ASM" Medal - 2006.
  •  The Medal of the Homeland Service - 2006.
  • Prize of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova - 2009.
  •  First place in the Top of Inventions of the Republic of Moldova - 2009.
  •  Gold Medal of the World Intellectual Property Organization - 2009.
  • Leonardo da Vinci Order - 2009.
  •  Romanian Inventors Forum Award 2008.
  • Award Ceremony of the EUROINVENT Exhibition - 2008,2009.
  • Gold medals at international inventions - 46.
  • Silver medals at the international invention parlors - 24.
  • Bronze medals at international inventions - 6.
  • Gold Cups at International Invention Salons - 9.
  •  Order "Gloria Muncii" - 2010.
  •  "DimitrieCantemir" Medal - 2010.
  •  "NicolaeTestemitanu" Medal - 2010
  • Medal "For Special Merits in Environmental Protection" - 2017
  • Honorary Diploma of the National Council for Acreditation and Attestation - 2010.
  •  Honorary Citizen of the Singerei District - 2010
  • Order AurelVlaicu for technical and scientific creativity - 2011
  • First place "Innovation 2012 Top"
  •  Republic of Moldova Prize "The most endowed inventor of the year" 2016
  •  Grand Prize and Gold Medal at INVENT-INVEST Salon, Iaşi 2016
  • "The Scientist of the Year" Award 2017
  • Honori Order “Pro Scientia et Innovatio”, With the rank of OFFICER, oferit de Romanin Inventors Forum – 2019

  • Repablic Order (Ordinul Republicii)- 2019

Organized scientific conferences:

  •  2010 - The International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of Chemistry of the ASM.
  •   2014 - The international scientific conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of Chemistry of the ASM.
  •   2001 - 2016: annual co-chair of the Committee for the Organization of the International Conference of  or. Lvov " Resources of the natural waters of the Carpathian region";
  • 2002 - present: co-chair of the International Conference of the Chemical Society of Moldova;
  • 1991 - 2016: member of the Committee for the organization of international conferences in the field of physical chemistry of adsorbents and environmental protection from the cities Moscow, Kiev, Bucharest, Odessa, Chisinau, more than 65.
  • 2017- International Conference on Organic Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry, co-organizer.
  • "The  4th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimeter, co-organizer.
  •  "International Fair of Inventions and Practical Ideas (8th edition)", co-organizer.
  • 2019 - The international scientific conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of Chemistry of the ASM, Chairman of the Organizing Committee.


Additional information:

  • 2001 - 2005: Member of the Commission of Experts on Chemistry of CNAA;
  • 2006 - 2008: Member of CNAA Attestation Commission;
  • 2000 - present: Member of the Scientific Council on Adsorption and Chromatography of  Academy of Sciences of Russia;
  • 2004 - 2008: Member of the Bureau of the Biology, Chemistry and Ecology Section of ASM;
  • 2008 - present: member of the Department of Natural Sciences and Life Sciences of the ASM; Nature and Exact
  • 2004 - present: member of the Assembly of ASM

Knowledge of the computer:

  The computer knows at a satisfactory level.


Known languages:

Romanian-native, Russian-fluent, English and French with the dictionary.

Total publications- 832 of which:

  • Monographs - 6.
  • Chapters in collective monographs - 4.
  • Scientific articles in total - 298, of which in international journals with Impact Factor-64, in international journals reviewed without Impact Factor-29, in nationally reviewed journals - 62, in international collections of articles reviewed – 104, in collections nationally-reviewed -29.
  • Summaries of scientific communications at congresses, conferences, symposiums, in total  208, of which at international ones - 183, at national ones - 25.
  • Patents - 77.
  • Trademark - 1.
  • Rationalization proposals - 5.

The most relevant recent publications:


1. T. Lupascu, "Active Carbons from Vegetable Raw Materials". EEP "Science", Chisinau, 2004, 224 p.


2. V. Rusu, T. Lupascu, Water sedimentary chemistry, Chisinau, 2004, 272 p.


3. Moroto-Valer M.M., Dranca I., Lupaşcu T. et al. Effect of adsorbate polarity on thermodesorption profiles from oxidized and metal-impregnated activated carbon // Carbon, 2004, V.2, (12-13); 2655-2659


4. T. Lupascu, R. Nastas, Z. Abulfatah et al. The characterization of the active carbon coals obtained from unconvetional raw materials// Chemistry Journal, 2004, 55 (10); 805-807


5. Gh. Duca, T. Lupascu, P. Vlad et al. Studies on the water solubilization processes of oenotannins and their Physico-Chemical Properties // Chemistry Journal of Moldova, 2006, V. 1, no. 1,74 - 79.


6. Tudor Lupascu, Gheorghe Duca, Maria Giurginca, PavelVlad, Lucian Lupascu. Natural Compouds with Antioxidant Properties. Key Engeenering Materials, vol.415, (2009),pp 25-28.


7. T. Lupascu, G. Petukhova, M. Ciobanu, V. Botsan. Adsorption of Cu2+ ions from aqueous solutions oxidized with hydrogen peroxide and impregnated with nitrogen-containing compounds. Newsof the Academy of Science, Chemistry Series 2008, No. 12.


p. 2417-2421.


8. T. Lupascu, M. Ciobanu, V. Botan, O. Petuhov. Investigation of Modified Activated Carbons on Structural Parameters and Adsorption Capacity.Chemistry Journal, 2009, v.60, no.7, p. 711-714.


 9. T. Lupascu, Gh. Duca, G. Lupascu, Enoxil - ecological preparation for plant protection. Chisinau, ASM, 2010 - 136 p.


 10. T. Lupascu, Gh. Duca, V. Gonciar, Enoxil - Organic preparation for human health. Chisinau,  ASM, 2012 - 256 p.


 11. T. Lupascu, R. Nastas, Chapter in Monographs. Adsorption, adsorbent and adsorption processes in nanoparticle materials, Moscow, 2011, Chapter 17, 425-446.


 12. Lupascu T., Nastas R., Rusu V. Treatment of Sulfurous Waters Using Activated Carbons. In: Management of Water Quality in Moldova. Editor Gh. Duca. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2014. Water Science and Technology Library 69, pp. 209-224.


 13. AlexandruGonta, Tudor Lupascu, Nina Timbaliuc, Aurelia Meghea, Obtaining and characterization of modified tannins by physical-chemical methods. Central European Journal of Chemistry, November 2014, pp. 2-8.


 14. Inga Zincovscaia, Tatiana Mitina, Tudor Lupascu, Gheorghe Duca et al. Study of Chromium Adsorption on Activated carbon. Water, Air, Soil Pollut, An International, Journal of Environmental Pollution, V. 225, Nr. 3 P. 225: 1-6.


15. KUZEMA, P.O .; LAGUTA, I.V .; STAVINSKAYA, O.N .; KAZAKOVA, O.A .; BORYSENK, M.V., LUPASCU, T.G. Preparation and characterization of silica-Enoxilnanobiocomposites. Nanoscale Research Letters 2016, 11:68 am: 10.1186 / s11671-016-1287-y.


16. GUNS, V; LUPASCU, T; KRUPSKAEA, T; POVAR, I. Nanosilica A-300 influence on water structures formed on the bioactive agent Enoxil. Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 2016, 94 (1): 88-94, 10.1139 / cjc-2015-0360.


17. CRETESCU, I .; LUPASCU, T .; BUCISCANU, T .; BALAU-MINDRU, T .; SOREANU, G. Low-cost sorbents for the removal of acid dyes from aqueous solutions. Process Safeti and Enviromental Protection DOI: Publication stage: In Press Corrected Proof. Published online: May 27 2016.


18. LUPASCU, T .; POVAR, I. Analysis of Adsorption Technologies of Water and Wastewater Treatment Used in the Republic of Moldova. American Journal of Chemical Engineering. November 13th, 2016. pp. 147-153.


19. LUPASCU, T .; MITINA, T .; GRIGORAS, D. XII. Methods for determination of microelements in biological objects. Chapter in the monograph "Microelements in Biosphere Components and Their Application in Agriculture and Medicine" coordinate: SimionToma.-Chisinau:Pontos, 2016, 246 p.


20. ION SANDU; MARIA CANACHE; TUDOR LUPASCU; MARIN CHIRAZI; IOAN GABRIEL SANDU; CONSTANTIN PASCU. The Influence of Physical Doping NaCl with Other Salts on Aerosol and Solion Generation. Aerosol and Air Quality Research,, 2013,10: 1731-1740. (F.I. = 2.392).


21. TUROV, VLADIMIR; LUPASCU, TUDOR; KRUPSKA, TATYANA; POVAR, IGOR; SUVOROVA, LUDMILA. Influence of Nanosilica on Water-Transitions in Hygroscopic Systems. Chemistry Letters, 2017, Vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 481-484. (F.I. = 1.23) p. 2417-2421.


22. GUN’KO, V.M.; LUPASCU,T.; KRUPSKA, T.V.; GOLOVIAN, A.P.; PAKHLOV, E.M.; TUROV, V.V. Influence of tannin on aqueous Layers at a surface of hidrophilic and hidrophobic nanosilicas. Colloid and Surfaces A,531 (2017), pp.9-17. (F.I. 3.131).


23. ZAHARIE MOLDOVAN1, OLIVANl MARINCAS1, IGOR POVAR2, TUDOR LUPASCU2, PHILIPP LONGREE3, JELENA SIMOVIC ROTA3, HEINZ SINGER3,and ALFREDO C. ALDER*3Environmental Exposure of Anthropogenic Micropollutants in the Prut River at the Romanian-Moldavian Border: a Snapshot in the Lower Danube River Basin. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2018, 25: p.p. 31040-31050, (F.I. 2,912).


24. ROMAN KOZAKEVYCH, YULIA BOLBUKH, LUCIAN LUPASCU, TUDOR LUPASCU, and VALENTIN TERTYKH. Polymeric Composite Films with Controlled Release of Natural Antioxidant Enoxil


Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 O. Fesenko, L. Yatsenko (eds.), Nanochemistry, Biotechnology,Nanomaterials, and Their Applications, Springer Proceedings in Physics 214, Chapter 9, pp. 149-163.


25.  TUDOR LUPASCU, MIHAI CIOBANU, VICTOR BOTAN, IOAN GABRIEL SANDU, ION DRAGALIN, TATIANA MITINA, ION SANDU.  Removal of ammonium ions and ammonia from groundwater by oxidation processes. Revista de Chimie, nr. 11. 2018, pp. 3082-3086. (F.I. 1, 412).


26. . GHEORGHE Duca, TUDOR LUPASCU, ELENA NICLAU, ELENA CULIGIN. Ecological and environmental chemistry, Chișinău,  US „Dimitrie Cantemir”, 2018(Tipogr. „Biotehdesing”) , - 250 p.






29. OIEG PETUHOV 1,*, TUDOR LUPASCU 2, DOMINIKA BEHUNOVA 3, IGOR POVAR 2, TATIANA MITINA 2 and MARIA RUSU 2 Microbiological Properties of Microwave-Activated Carbons Impregnated with Enoxil and Nanoparticles of Ag and Se.  C 2019, 5(2), 31;


30. CIOBANU MIHAIL,  LUPASCU TUDOR. Adsorbanți carbonici. Manual.  Chișinău: S.n.,  2018 (Tipogr.  “Biotegesing”). -90 p.





International and national research projects:

  • Leader and coordinator of 23 international projects and 10 national projects. The most important are:
  • INTAS - 93-2725: Development of New Types of Active Carbons, Inorganic Oxides and Phosphates as Selective Adsorbents and Carriers for Catalysts, and their Application in Industry.
  • INTAS - 94-3608: Decontamination of Exhausted Gases and Sewage Water by Chemically Modified Inorganic Ion Exchangers and Active Carbons.
  • INTAS - 00174: Water Purification for Food Production.
  • NATO SfP: Prut River 974064.
  • CRDF-MRDA ME 2 - 3038: Ion Exchangers and Catalysts from Carbon Adsorbents for Water Treating.
  • INTAS- Moldova 05-104-7505: Optimization of tartric acid and enotanines extraction from winery wastes and their use for the synthesis of new compounds with biological activity and antioxidant properties.
  • CRDF-MRDA: Implementation and Optimization of the Activated Carbon (AC) Mass- production using Non-traditional Raw Materials.
  • ASM-MEX Ukraine: A new sorbent-catalyst for water purification of iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfide compounds.
  • SCOPES - Switzerland: Xenobiotic Input to the Prut River (XENOPRUT)
  • International Project BLACK SEA BASIN No.2.2.72569.201 MIS-ETC 2641, ECO-AGRI, Sharing collectively the competences of researchers to farmers for sustainable and ecological exploitation of agricultural and environmental protection.
  • International Project FP-7 Program, Nanostructured Biocompatible / Bioactive Materials (NanoBioMat) PIRSES-GA-2013-612484.