Professor Petro P. Gorbyk


Professor Petro P. Gorbyk


Doctor of Sciences (Phys.&Math.),  Professor,

Head of Department of Nanomaterials

Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine




Phone: + 38 (044) 424 1235

Fax: + 38 (044) 424 3567

17 General Naumov Str., Kyiv, 03164, Ukraine



Physics, chemistry and technology of surface; nanotechnologies, physics and chemistry of solid



  • Member of the Scientific Council of Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry NAS of Ukraine
  • Member of Scientific Council of NAS of Ukraine on problem “Chemistry and Technology of Surface Modification”
  • Deputy Chairman of the Specialized Councils D26.210.01 (ISC) 
  • Head of the Specialized Scientific Council 26.210.02 (ISC)
  • Member of the sections “Nanostructured and amorphous materials” and “Physics of surface phenomena and thin films” of Interdepartmental Scientific Council “Physics of Metallic State” at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of NAS of Ukraine
  • Member of the Academy of Technologic Sciences of Ukraine



  • Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface
  • Nanosystems, Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologies (collection)
  • Surface(collection)



Supervisor of 17  dissertations (1 - Doctor of Science, 16 - PhD)




State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology (2007)



  1. R. Mazurenko, S. Prokopenko, M. Godzierz, A. Hercog, S. Makhno, U. Szeluga, P. Gorbyk, B. Trzebicka, M. Kartel. Synthesis of nanosized spinel ferrites MnFe2O4 on the surface of carbon nanotubes for the creation of polymer composites with enhanced microwave absorption capacity. Applied Materials Today, 2023, 101972. 101972.  ttps://  
  2. Kusyak, V. Poniatovskyi, O. Oranska, D. Behunova,  Melnyk, V. Dubok,  V. Chornyi, O. Bur'yanov, P. Gorbyk. Nanostructured sol-gel bioactive glass 60S: In vitro study of bioactivity and antibacterial properties in combination with vancomycin. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids: X., 2023, 20, 100200.
  3. S. М. Makhno, O. M. Lisova, R. V. Mazurenko, P. P. Gorbyk, K. O. Ivanenko, M. T. Kartel, Yu. I. Sementsov. Electrophysical and strength characteristics of polychlorotrifluoroethylene filled with carbon nanotubes dispersed in graphene suspensions. Applied Nanoscience, 2023, Pub Date: 2023-09-01,
  4. D. I. Kravchuk,  G. V. Sotkis,  M. M. Shcherbatiuk,  R. M. Kravchuk, V. G. Nazarenko,  P. P. Gorbyk,  Y. V. Shuba. Induction of A549 Nonsmall-Cell Lung Cancer Cells Proliferation by Photoreleased Nicotine. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2023, 99(1), р. 78–82.  DOI: 10.1111/php.13652
  5. А. Kusyak, А. Petranovska, O. Oranska, S. Turanska, Ya. Shuba, D. Kravchuk, L. Kravchuk, G. Sotkis, V. Nazarenko, R. Kravchuk, V. Dubok, O. Bur'yanov, V. Chornyi, Yu. Sobolevsʹkyy, P. Gorbyk. Chapter 3. Synthesis and Properties of Nanodispersed Luminescent Structures Based on Lanthanum Fluoride and Phosphate for Optopharmacology and Photodynamic Therapy of Tumor Diseases Localized in Cranial Organs and Bone Tissues. In: What to Know about Lanthanum,  p. 116 p. P. 65–94. Ed.: C. C. Bradley. Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2023. ISBN: 979-8-88697-623-6 (eBook). DOI: 10.52305/JWMC9723
  6. N. Kusyak, A. Kusyak, A. Petranovska, P. Gorbyk , N. Abramov. Features of adsorption human Ig on the surface of magnetically sensitive nanocomposites. Applied Nanoscience, 2022, № 12, р. 679–689.
  7. N. Kusyak, A. Kusyak, A. Petranovska, I. Melnyk, P. Gorbyk. Hg (II) ions adsorption study on DMSA-functionalized nanoscale magnetite. Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022,  V. 62, № 15, р. 7738-7744.
  8. S. L. Prokopenko, R. V. Mazurenko, G. M. Gunja, N. V. Abramov, S. M. Makhno, P. P. Gorbyk. Electrophysical properties of polymeric nanocomposites based on cobalt and nickel ferrites modified with copper iodide // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2020, v. 494, 165824.
  9. А. Kusyak, N. Kusyak, L. Storozhuk, A. Petranovska, P. Gorbyk, N. Korniichuk, I. Yanovych. Study of the adsorption activity of Fe3O4 synthesized by the solvothermal method in relation to doxorubicin. Applied Nanoscience, 2020, № 12, p. 4923–4930
  10. 10. P. P. Gorbyk. Biomedical nanocomposites with nanorobot functions: state of research, development, and prospects of practical introduction. Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface / Himia, Fizika ta Tehnologia Poverhni, 2020, v. 11, № 1, р. 128–143. doi: 10.15407/hftp11.01.128