Professor Nikolai I. Lebovka


Professor Nikolai I. Lebovka

Current Position:

Doctor of Sciences (Phys.&Math.), Professor,

Head of Department of Physical Chemistry of Disperse Minerals

F.D. Ovcharenko Biocolloidal Chemistry Institute National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine


Personal Data:


Born: May 15, 1954, Kiev, Ukraine
Nationality: Ukrainian
Marital status: Widower, wife Natalija Pivovarova, 14.01.1954-01.11.2014
Language spoken: Ukrainian, Russian, English, French
Children: Marija, born July 29, 1979;
Sergei 19.03.1982-12.06.2014




Phone: (+38-044) 444-0378

Fax: (+38-044) 444-8078

Address: Biocolloidal Chemistry Institute, NAS of Ukraine, 42, Vernadskii av., 03142, Kyiv, Ukraine




Principal Research interests:

  1. Physics of Soft Condensed Matter and Colloids: Nanocomposites filled with nanotubes and clays, their electric and rheological behaviour. Structure and properties of confined fluids. Nuclear magnetic resonance of water in disordered systems. Oswald ripening and coalescence in emulsion systems.
  2. Statistical and Computational Physics: Problems of percolation and jamming in anisotropic and confined systems. Simulation of dielectric breakdown, brittle fracture and crack propagation, pattern growth emulsion systems stability, acid activation of minerals, porous media formation, aggregation of particles, deposition processes.
  3. Electroporation phenomena and application of pulsed electric fields (PEF) for plasmolysis of biological tissues.


Short Biographical Note:

Nikolai I. Lebovka was born in Kiev, Ukraine, in 1954. He received his PhD in molecular physics from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (1986) and Dr. Habil in physics of colloids from the Biocolloid Chemistry Institute, Ukraine (1995). He is currently head of the Physical Chemistry Department of the Biocolloid Chemistry Institute and professor of physics at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev. He studies electric field–induced effects in biological and food materials and is also active in the fields of colloids and biocolloids, theory and applications of nanocomposites, computation physics, and theory and practice of percolation phenomena. He has published more than 423 papers in peer reviewed journals and several chapters in books, and was a member of the organizing committee of 19 International conferences.


  1. Doctor of Science, January, 1995. Biocolloidal Chemistry Institute, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences Diploma, Speciality: Thermal Physics and Molecular Physics and Colloidal Chemistry, These "Random Fields Distribution in Heterogeneous Systems".
  2. Ph.D., Physics, March, 1986. Kiev State University, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Diploma, Speciality: Thermal Physics and Molecular Physics, These "Structure and properties of boundary layers of water"
  3. M.A., Physics, June, 1976. Kiev State University, Honour Diploma, Speciality: Optics and Spectroscopy, These "NMR Spectroscopy of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals "

Employment History:


  1. 1987- Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Biocolloidal Chemistry Institute, Head of Department of Physical Chemistry of Disperse Minerals
  2. 2010- Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Professor of Physics


1999-present: Sorbonne Universités, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Laboratoire de Transformations Intégrées de la Matière Renouvelable, EA 4297, Centre de Recherches de Royallieu, BP 20529, 60205 Compiègne Cedex, France, Visiting Professor, Researcher and Lecturer (d'enseignants chercheurs étrangers). Each year during 3-7 months.


  1. 2003-2011: Aviation University, Kiev, Physics&Technical Department. Professor of Physics
  2. 1993-2008: Kiev Mogyla Academy University, Department of Natural Sciences. Professor
  3. 2001-2002: Kiev Polytechnical University, Physics and Technical Department.
  4. 1981-1987: Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Technical and Thermal Physics Institute, Senior Engineer, Junior Scientific Researcher, Scientific Researcher.
  5. 1976-1981: Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Colloidal Chemistry and Chemistry of Water Institute. Engineer

Teaching Experience:

  1. Computer Simulation in Physics (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv). (2010-present)
  2. CP1, Computational Physics 1. Computational Systems and Programming Languages; CP2, Computational Physics 2. Numerical recipes; CP3, Computational Physics 3. Computer Simulation Methods (Kiev Mogyla Academy University). (1994-2009)
  3. Computer Simulation Methods (Aviation University). (2003-present)
  4. Computer Simulation Methods (Kiev Polytechnical University). (2001-2002)
  5. Disordered Media and Soft Condensed Matter (Kiev Mogyla Academy University). (1996-2001)
  6. Fractals in Natural Sciences (Kiev Mogyla Academy University). (2002-present)
  7. Application of high electric fields for treatment of heterogeneous materials. (As a part of GP11: Universite de Technology de Compiègne). (1999-2001)
  8. Aggregation of colloidal particles. (As a part of GP08: Universite de Technology de Compiègne,Compiègne) (2000-2001)

Service in a professional capacity and expert:

  1. 1996—1998, 2002-present: Highest attestation council of Ukraine, consulting expert in Chemistry and Physics
  2. 1998-- present: Scientific Council of Biocolloidal Chemistry Institute, Member
  3. 1998-- present: Scientific Council of Physics Department of Kiev University, Member
  4. 2001, 2011,2015-2017: Universite de Technology de Compiègne, Member of These Council.
  5. 2016: Member of a special competitive commission for the formation of the Identification Committee  on Science of Ukraine
  6. 2018—present: Member of Ukrainian committee, 2018 award L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science,


  1. 1997-present: Promoter and member of the scientific foundation named after F.D. Ovcharenko
  2. 1993-present: Ukrainian Physical Society, Kiev University
  3. 1991—1999: Member of the Association of NMR Spectroscopy, Moscow University
  4. 2015—present: Member of International Society for Electroporation-Based Technologies and Treatments, Certificate ID: a1674af9-d5d2-4467-b8be-9f131044e3ab


Supervision of Post Graduated Students

  1. N.V. Vygornitskii, PhD. Thesis “Peculiarities of local structure of fractal laplacian aggregates”, 1997, Kiev, Ukraine
  2. Ya.V. Ivanenko, PhD. Thesis “Structure of aggregates with electrostatic interaction”, 1998, Kiev, Ukraine
  3. R.M. Melnyk, PhD. Thesis “Correlated percolation in heterogeneous systems”, 2003, Kiev, Ukraine
  4. M.V. Shynkaryk, Thesis "Influence de la perméabilisation membranaire par champ électrique sur la performance de séchage des végétaux", 2007, Compiegne, France
  5. M. Lisunova, PhD. Thesis “Structure, stability and percolation properties of colloidal composition on the base of multiwalled carbon nanotubes”, 2008, Kiev, Ukraine
  6. V. Starchenko, PhD. Thesis “Impact of inter-particle interactions on the aggregation, structure and percolation properties of colloidal composites”, 2010, Kiev, Ukraine
  7. M. Loginov, PhD. Thesis "Preparation of concentrated mineral and bio-suspensions by filtration with alternative pretreatments, and determination of permeability and rheological properties of obtained particulate systems", 2011, Compiegne, France
  8. K.Loginova, PhD. Thesis "Procédés « doux » de transformation de bioproduits par combinaison de champs électriques pulsés et de traitements thermo-mécaniques", 2011, Compiegne, France
  9. A. Goncharuk, PhD. Thesis "Electro-physical properties of composites filled by nanoparticles of anisotropic shape", 2012, , Kiev, Ukraine
  10. I. Melnyk, PhD Thesis, «Structure formation and percolation of soft systems filled with nanoparticles of anisotropic shape» 2016, Kiev, Ukraine

Member of Editorial Boards:

  1. Condensed Matter Physics,
  2. Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surfaces,
  3. NAUKMA Scientific Proceedings,
  4. Polymer Journal


Awards, Honors, Grants:

  1. Grant of American Physical Society, New York, 1993
  2. Award for Tutorial and Educational Service (Software Package), National University of «Kiev Mogyla Academy» Kiev, 1996
  3. Grant of ISSEP for Scientists and Educators, ISSEP Foundation, 1998
  4. Grant of Ministère de l'éducation nationale, de la recherche et de la technologie, France (1999-2001)
  5. State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Engineering "Quantum Effects and Structural Self-Organization in Novel Multi-Functional Nano-Materials", 2011
  6. The most citated scientist, Web of Science Award 2018


Guest editor of special issues:


Food Engineering Reviews IF 4.375. Food Engineering Reviews, 2010, 2 Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2017, 235


Biosystems Engineering; Central European Journal of Chemistry; Chemical Engineering & Technology; ChemPhysChem ; Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surfaces ; Composites Science and Technology; Current Applied Physics; Czech Journal of Food Sciences; Environmental Science & Technology; European Polymer Journal;Food and Bioprocess Technologies; Food and Bioproducts Processing; Food Biophysics; Food Engineering Reviews; IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation; Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies; Journal of Colloid and Interface Science; Journal of Food Engineering; Journal of Food Science; Journal of Membrane Science; Langmuir; LWT - Food Science and Technology; Phys. Rev. E; Polymers for Advanced Technologies; Ukrainian Journal of Physics;



The complete list of publications includes 262 scientific articles in referred journals/

H-index (Scopus): 38.




  1. L. Bulavin, N. Lebovka (Eds.) Physics of Liquid Matter: Modern Problems, Series: Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 171, 2015.
  2. N. Lebovka, E. Vorobiev and F. Chemat (Eds), Enhancing Extraction Processes in the Food Industry Series: Contemporary Food Engineering, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis LLC, 2011, 592 p. , Hardcover, ISBN: 9781439845936. Content.
  3. L.A. Bulavin, N.V. Vygornitskii and N.I. Lebovka, Simulation of physical systems: receipts and computer programs. Intellect, Moscow, 2011. Content. Codes.
  4. E. Vorobiev and N. Lebovka (Eds.), Electrotechnologies for Extraction from Food Plants and Biomaterials, Springer, 2008.DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-79374-02
  5. E. Vorobiev, N. Lebovka, E. Van Hecke and J.L. Lanoisellé (Eds.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio and Food Electrotechnologies, BFE 2009, UTC, 2009. Content.
  6. Mank V.V., Lebovka N.I. NMR spectroscopy of water in heterogeneous systems, Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1988, 204 pp. Content
  7. N. Vygornitskii, N. Lebovka, R. Melnyk, Programming tools for preparation of scientific publications in physical and mathematical editions. Naukma, 2005, Kyiv, Ukraine.

List of selected publications:


  1. Lebovka, N. I.; Vygornitskii, N. V.; Gigiberiya, V. A. & Tarasevich, Y. Y. (2016), 'Monte Carlo Simulation of Evaporation Driven Self-Assembly in Suspension of Colloidal Rods', Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics E94, 062803.
  2. Manilo, M.; Lebovka, N. & Barany, S. (2016), 'Mechanism of Methylene Blue adsorption on hybrid laponite + multi-walled carbon nanotube particles', Journal of Environmental Sciences 42, 134-141.
  3. Manilo, M. V.; Netreba, S. V.; Prokopenko, V. A.; Lebovka, N. I. & Barany, S. (2016), 'Overcharging of magnetite nanoparticles in electrolyte solutions', Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 506, 291 - 297.
  4. Tarasevich, Y. Y.; Dubinin, D. O.; Laptev, V. V. & Lebovka, N. I. (2016), 'Impact of defects on electrical connectivity of monolayer of ideally aligned rods', Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) 681, 012038.
  5. Tarasevich, Y. Y.; Goltseva, V. A.; Laptev, V. V. & Lebovka, N. I. (2016), 'Electrical conductivity of a monolayer produced by random sequential adsorption of linear k-mers onto a square lattice', Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 94, 042112.
  6. Gigiberiya, V. A.; Lytvyn, O. S. & Lebovka, N. I. (2017), 'Drying of droplets of aqueous suspensions of multiwalled carbon nanotubes in the presence of cationic surfactant CTAB', Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface 8(3), 333-345.
  7. Lebovka, N.; Bulavin, L.; Kovalchuk, V.; Melnyk, I. & Repnin, K. (2017), 'Two step percolation in aggregating systems', Condensed Matter Physics 20(1), 1-12.
  8. Lebovka, N. I.; Tarasevich, Y. Y.; Gigiberiya, V. A. & Vygornitskii, N. V. (2017), 'Diffusion-driven self-assembly of rod-like particles: Monte Carlo simulation on a square lattice', Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics E95, 052130.
  9. Lisetski, L.; Minenko, S.; Samoilov, A. & Lebovka, N. I. (2017), 'Optical density and microstructure-related properties of photoactive nematic and cholesteric liquid crystal colloids with carbon nanotubes', Journal of Molecular Liquids 235, 90-97.
  10. Manilo, M.; Boltovets, P.; Snopok, B.; Barany, S. & Lebovka, N. (2017), 'Anomalous interfacial architecture in laponite aqueous suspensions on a gold surface', Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 520, 883 - 891.
  11. Manilo, M. V.; Lebovka, N. & Barany, S. (2017), 'Combined effect of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and laponite platelets on colloidal stability of carbon nanotubes in aqueous suspensions', Journal of Molecular Liquids 235, 104-110.
  12. Tarasevich, Y. Y.; Laptev, V. V.; Burmistrov, A. S. & Lebovka, N. I. (2017), 'Pattern formation in a two-dimensional two-species diffusion model with anisotropic nonlinear diffusivities: a lattice approach', Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2017, 093203 (1-18).
  13. Tarasevich, Y. Y.; Laptev, V. V.; Goltseva, V. A. & Lebovka, N. I. (2017), 'Influence of defects on the effective electrical conductivity of a monolayer produced by random sequential adsorption of linear -mers onto a square lattice', Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 477, 195 - 203.
  14. Tomylko, S.; Yaroshchuk, O.; Koval'chuk, O. & Lebovka, N. (2017), 'Structural evolution and dielectric properties of suspensions of carbon nanotubes in nematic liquid crystals', Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19(25), 16456-16463.
  15. Bulavin, L.; Lisetski, L.; Minenko, S.; Samoilov, A.; Klepko, V.; Bohvan, S. & Lebovka, N. (2018), 'Microstructure and optical properties of nematic and cholesteric liquid crystals doped with organo-modified platelets', Journal of Molecular Liquids 267, 279-285.
  16. Lebovka, N. I.; Tarasevich, Y. Y. & Vygornitskii, N. V. (2018), 'Vertical drying of a suspension of sticks: Monte Carlo simulation for continuous two-dimensional problem', Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics E97, 022136.
  17. Lebovka, N. I.; Tarasevich, Y. Y.; Vygornitskii, N. V.; Eserkepov, A. V. & Akhunzhanov, R. K. (2018), 'Anisotropy in electrical conductivity of films of aligned intersecting conducting rods', Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics E98, 012104.
  18. Manilo, M.; Bohacs, K.; Lebovka, N. & Barany, S. (2018), 'Impact of surfactant and clay platelets on electrokinetic potential and size distribution in carbon nanotubes aqueous suspensions', Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 544, 205-212.
  19. Samoilov, A.; Minenko, S.; Lisetski, L.; Soskin, M.; Torgova, S. & Lebovka, N. (2018), 'Anomalous optical properties of photoactive cholesteric liquid crystal doped with singlewalled carbon nanotubes', Liquid Crystals 45(2), 250--261.
  20. Tarasevich, Y. Y.; Vodolazskaya, I. V.; Eserkepov, A. V.; Goltseva, V. A.; Selin, P. G. & Lebovka, N. I. (2018), 'Simulation of the electrical conductivity of two-dimensional films with aligned rod-like conductive fillers: Effect of the filler length dispersity', Journal of Applied Physics 124, 145106.
  21. Tarasevich, Y. Y.; Lebovka, N. I.; Vodolazskaya, I. V.; Eserkepov, A. V.; Goltseva, V. A. & Chirkova, V. V. (2018), 'Anisotropy in electrical conductivity of two-dimensional films containing aligned nonintersecting rodlike particles: Continuous and lattice models', Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics E98, 012105.
  22. Tarasevich, Y. Y.; Laptev, V. V.; Burmistrov, A. S. & Lebovka, N. I. (2018), 'Effect of  aging on electrical conductivity of two-dimensional composite with rod-like fillers', Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 955(1), 012006.