Prof. Vasyl M. Rizak


Personal information                              

First name(s) / Surname(s)            Vasyl Rizak

Address(es)                                 84/10 Volodymyrska Str., 88000 Uzhhorod, Ukraine

Telephone(s):                               +380673122587


Nationality                                     Ukrainian

Date of birth                                 10.07.1963

Gender                                           Male

Desired employment / Occupational field  physicist


Websites & social links                 


Work experience                                      

Dates :  From 2002 to present time

Occupation or position held:  Head of department of solid-state electronics and information security (until  2017 -  Department of solid-state electronics ), Professor

Main activities and responsibilities: Teaching of Semiconductor Physics, of solid-state electronics and information security . Performing independent research in Experimental Physics and Information security . Supervision of research work of students and graduate (PhD) student. Participation in the scientific public life.

Name and address of employer : Uzhhorod National University, Pidhirna Str.46, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

Type of business or sector: research and education


Dates:  From 1997 to 2002

Occupation or position held: Professor, Department of Semiconductor Physics of Uzhhorod National University,

Main activities and responsibilities: Teaching of Semiconductor Physics. Performing independent research in Experimental Physics.Supervision of research work of students. Participation in the scientific public life.

Name and address of employer: Uzhhorod National University, Pidhirna Str.46, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

Type of business or sector: research and education


Dates:  From 1994 to 1997

Occupation or position held: Associate Professor, Department of Semiconductor Physics of Uzhhorod National UniversitySenior Scientific Researcher.

Main activities and responsibilities: Teaching of Semiconductor Physics. Performing independent research in Experimental Physics.Supervision of research work of students. Participation in the scientific public life.

Name and address of employer: Uzhhorod National University, Pidhirna Str.46, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

Type of business or sector: research and education


Dates: From 1993 to 1994

Occupation or position held:  Lecturer of the Department of Semiconductor Physics, Senior Scientific Researcher

Main activities and responsibilities:    Teaching of Semiconductor Physics. Performing independent research in Experimental Physics.Supervision of research work of students.

Name and address of employer:    Uzhhorod National University, Pidhirna Str.46, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

Type of business or sector: research and education


Dates:  From 1992 to 1993

Occupation or position held: Senior Scientific Researcher of Institute of Solids Physics and Chemistry

Main activities and responsibilities:   Performing independent research in Experimental Physics and Semiconductor Physics

Name and address of employer:  Uzhhorod National University, Pidhirna Str.46, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

Type of business or sector:  research and education


Dates:   From 1991 to 1992

Occupation or position held:  Senior Scientific Researcher

Main activities and responsibilities:   Performing independent research in Experimental Physics and Semiconductor Physics.

Name and address of employer:  Uzhhorod State University, Pidhirna Str.46, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

Type of business or sector: research


Dates       From 1990 to 1991

Occupation or position held:  Scientific Researcher

Main activities and responsibilities:  Performing independent research in Experimental Physics and Semiconductor Physics.

Name and address of employer: Uzhhorod State University, Pidhirna Str.46, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

Type of business or sector: research


Dates: From 1988 to 1990

Occupation or position held: Junior Scientific Researcher

Main activities and responsibilities: Performing research in Experimental Physics and Semiconductor Physics.

Name and address of employer: Uzhhorod State University, Pidhirna Str.46, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

Type of business or sector: research


Dates 1985 

Occupation or position held: Engineer of department of semiconductors physics

Main activities and responsibilities: Research in Experimental Physics and Semiconductor Physics

Name and address of employer: Uzhhorod State University, Pidhirna Str.46, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

Type of business or sector: Education, research.


Academic Rank and Degree               

Dates:  2004

Title of qualification awarded: The honourary title of "Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine" (Decree of the President of Ukraine dated 23 December 2004)

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered:  Physics of condensed systems and information technologies

Name and type of organisation providing education and training: Decree of the President of Ukraine.


Dates: 1998

Title of qualification awarded:   academic rank of ′′ Professor of Department of Semiconductors Physics ′′(diploma number ПР АР№001716   23 Jun 1998   )

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered:  Performing independent research in Semiconductor Physics

Name and type of organisation providing education and training:  Attestation Collegium of the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine.


Dates   1997

Title of qualification awarded: academic rank of ′′Associate Professor of Department of Semiconductors Physics ′′(diploma number ДЦ АР №005427  22 May 1997)

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered : Performing independent research in Semiconductor Physics. 

Name and type of organisation providing education and training:           Attestation Collegium of the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine.

Dates 1996

Title of qualification awarded:     academic degree “Doktor of Physical and Mathematical Science”.  (D.Sci.) (diploma number ДН № 002908    4 december 1996)

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered:  The influence of isovalent substitutions on the static and dynamic properties of proper ferroelectrics (PbySn1-y)2P2(SeXS1-X)6

Name and type of organisation providing education and training: Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine


Dates   1989

Title of qualification awarded : academic degree “Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Science”.  (Ph. D.) (diploma number ФМ №035710  23 March 1989)

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered: Ferroelectric properties and mechanisms of phase transitions of crystals Sn(Pb)2P2S(Se)6

Name and type of organisation providing education and training:  The Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR


Education and training                        

Dates    From 1985 to 1988

Occupation or position held: graduate (PhD) student of department of semiconductors physics

Main activities and responsibilities: Research in Experimental Physics and Semiconductor Physics

Name and address of employer: Uzhhorod State University, Pidhirna Str.46, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

Type of business or sector: Education, research.


Dates  1985

Title of qualification awarded:   Physicist. Lecturer of Physics (diploma number KB №792275   21 червня 1985 року )

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered: Guided scientific research in the Semicondutor Physics

Name and type of organisation providing education and training: Uzhhorod State University, Pidhirna Str.46, Uzhhorod, Ukraine Qualification Degree awarded by the Attestation Commission.


Participation in the grant programs

Date  From 2022 to present time

Occupation or position held: Coordinator project USAID  Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine (USAID/ Cybersecurity) from the UzhNU side

Dates  2023 

Occupation or position held: Individual grant ERAZMUS+

Dates 2020-2022

Occupation or position held: Scientific supervisor of grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Functional nanostructures based on biomaterials and chalcogenides”.

Dates   2017-2021

Occupation or position held:  Scientific supervisor of H2020- project from the UzhNU side „ACCELERATing Europe’s Leading Research Infrastructures”  

Dates  2017-2019

Occupation or position held: Scientific supervisor of grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Nanocomposite film structures with photochromic biomolecules in inorganic and polymer matrices for bioelectronics.

Dates 2015-2016

Occupation or position held: Scientific supervisor of grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Creation and research of nanocomposite materials for pH level biosensors based on purple membranes modified with detergents

Dates  2015-2016

Occupation or position held: Scientific supervisor of Ukrainian-Slovak project from the Ukrainian side “Relaxation and photoinduced effects in chalcogenide glasses of Ge-As-S(Se) system” 

Dates 2013-2014

Occupation or position held: Scientific supervisor of grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Development of nanocomposite sensitive elements of biosensors based on bacteriorhodopsin using sol-gel matrices and quantum dots

Dates 2013

Occupation or position held: Individual grant      SAIA

Dates  2012 – 2014

Occupation or position held: Senior research of grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Research of nanocomposite structures based on photosensitive chalcogenides for plasmonics.

Dates  2009 – 2011

Occupation or position held:  Principal investigator of the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine – “Research of stimulated changes in nanostructured metastable systems and development of functional elements for optoelectronics

Dates   2008-2010

Occupation or position held: Scientific supervisor Project NATO “Сomprehensive concordance  heterogeneous telemetric  infrastructure with integration of social services ” Reg.No CN.NIG 983259

Dates 2009

Occupation or position held: Individual grant      SAIA

Dates 2006-2008

Occupation or position held: Principal investigator of the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine - Research and development of functional films and nanostructures sensitive to external factors

Dates  2005-2006

Occupation or position held: Scientific supervisor Project NATO “Base infrastructure of Western Branch of Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Medical Network into integration GEANT” Reg.No CN.NIG 981581

Dates   2004-2005

Occupation or position held: Senior Local Expert for the EU Tacis Project “Flood risk assessment and management in Zakarpatska oblast, Ukraine project”

Dates 2004

Occupation or position held:    The Hungarian fund of support of a science of name Oron ‘ Yanoshi Academies of sciences of Hungary and the Ministry of Education of Hungary  “Development of a measuring complex for an estimation of a condition of river waters of pool of the Tisa of Karpatskogo region” (2004);

Dates  2003-2004

Occupation or position held: Scientific supervisor Project NATO "Necessary additional activities concerning expanding, integration of Transcarpatian science-technical networks."Reg. CN.NIG 979923.

Dates 2003

Occupation or position held: Iindividual grant of Ministry of Education of Slovakia 

Dates  2000-2001

Occupation or position held:  Scientific supervisor Project NATO "Modernization of the Uzhgorod Universitety and Region Research Institution Network", Reg.No CN.NIG 976326

Dates   1998

Occupation or position held: Iindividual grant    of the International Scientific Fund 


Membership in Professional Bodies:

Dates   2022

The position:  Member of the American Physical Society

Dates  2019

The position:  Academician (elected on May 24, 2019, diploma number №574) and Head of the Transcarpathian Branch of the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine,

Dates  2011

The position: Corresponding Member of the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine (elected on May 20, 2011, Diploma No. 448)

Dates  2006

The position: Editor-in-Chief at "Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Physics Series" (

Dates  2003

The position: Foreign member of the Scientific Council of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (elected on November 3, 2003)

Dates   2003

The position:  Academician (elected on May 30, 2003, Diploma No223) of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine

Dates    2003

The position: Corresponding Member of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine (elected on March 28, 2003, Diploma No. 094)

Dates   2001

The position: Founder and director of the Public Organization "FUND FOR SUPPORT OF SCIENCE OF TRANSCARPATHIA"

Dates 1998

The position: Member since 1998 of the Ukrainian Physical Society.  and since 2010 – heads the Transcarpathian branch of the Ukrainian Physical Society.


Personal skills and competences                                                                       

Mother tongue(s):     Ukrainian                                                                

Other language(s): Russian, English, Slovak                                                     

Social skills and competences:  Good ability to research team work. Good ability to adapt to multicultural environments. Experience of University teaching. Reresearch work experience                                            

Organisational skills and competences: Experience in scientific research project managing.                                                            

Technical skills and competences:        Long expertise in experimental studies of complex systems. Experience in written and oral presentation of scientific results.           

Computer skills and competences:        Experience with Basic Computer Skills - MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint) , Google Drive (Docs, Drive, Forms, Gmail), Spreadsheets (Excel, Google Drive, Open Office),   Email ( Outlook, Gmail), Operating systems (MacOS, Microsoft Windows); Internet Tools - Social media (LinkedIn, YouTube), Blogging (Wordpress), Team collaboration (Dropbox, Zoom, GoToMeeting, GoogleMeeting,  Skype), as well as with software for processing experimental data and quantum-mechanical calculations of static and dynamic properties of condensed systems                                                                  

Additional information:  h-index=9(Scopus) and 10 (WOS), 59 papers in international journals, indexed in Scopus database,  352  citations; 3 patents, 2 monographs, 35 training manuals and methodological developments in Ukrainian, more than 100 oral or poster presentations at international conferences.


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