Prof. Mykola T. Kartel


Prof. Mykola T. Kartel



FAMILY NAME: Kartel / Картель

FIRST NAME: Mykola / Микола (Russian version – Nikolai / Николай)

PATRONYMIC NAME: Tymofiyovych / Тимофійович



December 16, 1948; village Gogoliv, Brovary Distr., Kyiv Reg., Ukraine



1971-1974 – 3 years training: Post-Graduate Student of L.V. Pysarzhevsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR, Kyiv.

1966-1971 – 5 years full course: Student of the Chemical Faculty of T.G. Shevchenko Kyiv State University.

1955-1966 – 11 years full course: Pupil of the Secondary (General Education and Polytechnic) School N2, town Konotop, Sumy Reg., Ukraine.



2012 – Academic rank Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Chemistry), Diploma № 445 - National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

2010 – Academic rank Academician of Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine, Diploma № 442 - Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine.

2000 – Academic rank Corresponding Member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Physical Chemistry), Diploma № 656 -  National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

1993 - Rank Professor of Physical Chemistry, Certificate ПР № 000654 - Ministry of Education of Ukraine.         

1990 - Second Scientific Degree, Doctor of Chem. Sciences (Physical Chemistry), Diploma ДТ № 001471- High Attestation Commission at Council of Ministers of the USSR. Doctoral Thesis “Carbonaceous Hemosorbents Based on the Synthetic Active Carbons”, Kyiv, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR.

1986 – Honor rank Laureate of State Premium of Ukraine in Science and Engineering, Diploma № 2631 – State Premium Committee at the Council of Ministers of Ukrainian SSR. Cycle of works “Development, Theoretical Base and Clinical Implementation of Novel Methods of Operative Treatment, Detoxification and Rehabilitation of Patients with Liver and Bile-Stone Diseases”.                                                                       

1984 - Rank Principal Researcher of Physical Chemistry, Certificate СН № 009818 – High Attestation Commission at Council of Ministers of the USSR.    

1975 – First Scientific Degree Candidate of Chem. Sciences (Physical Chemistry), Diploma МХМ № 019657 – High Attestation Commission at Ministry of High and Special Secondary Education of the USSR. Candidate Thesis “Features of Radiation-Chemical synthesis in Adsorbed State”, Kyiv, L.V. Pysarzhevsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR. 

1971 - M.S. in Chemistry, Radiation Chemistry, Diploma C № 321046 – T.G. Shevchenko Kyiv State University. Diploma work “EPR Spectra of free radicals at g-irradiation of ammonia adsorbed on Silica Gel”.



  • Main field: Chemistry.
  • Other fields: Physical Chemistry, Radiation Chemistry, Adsorption, and Surface Phenomena.
  • Current research interests: Physical Chemistry and Engineering of Carbonaceous Adsorbents and Nanostructural Materials, Their Technical, Medical and Ecological Applications.



  • Studies of radiation-chemical effects in a surface layer of disperse oxide adsorbents;
  • Development of the theory and methods of synthesis of carbonaceous adsorbents with developed pore structure and managed surface chemistry;
  • Research in adsorption, ion exchange, catalytic and electrochemical processes involved carbonaceous materials;
  • Development of adsorbents for medicine and study of mechanisms of their curative action on human organism.



  • Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2012);
  • Academician of Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine (2010);
  • Corresponding Member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2000);
  • Award of Presidents of National Academies of Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine (1997);
  • Visit-Professor Award of Science and Technology Agency of Japan (1994);
  • Laureate of State Premium of Ukrainian SSR on Science and Engineering (1986);
  • Award of Presidium of Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR for Young Researchers (1976).



  • National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (since 1971);
  • National University “Kiev-Mohyla Academy”, Professor in Chemistry (1994-2008); Program courses of lectures “Physical Chemistry” and “Fundamentals of Adsorption”;
  • National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute”, Professor in Chemistry (1993-1998); Special course of lectures “Chemistry and Technology of Adsorbents and Catalysts”.
  • Russian Journal “Efferent Therapy" (Russia), Member of Editorial Board (since 1995).
  • High Attestation Commission of Ukraine, Member of Expert Commission (1993-1996; 2004-2007), Head of Commission (since 2008);
  • Member of Editorial Board of “State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine”.
  • Member of Pharmacopoeia Committee of Ukraine and Expert of State Pharmacological Center of Ukraine.
  • Liquidators of Chernobyl NPP accident consequences (1986-1991).
  • Scientific tutor of 12 Candidate Thesis’s (1982-2011);
  • Ukrainian Journal “Chemistry and Technology of Water”, Member of Editorial Board (since 2007);
  • Head of the Problem Scientific Board “Chemistry and Technology of Modification of Surface” (since 2008);
  • Chief-in-Editor of periodical Collection Book “Surface” (since 2008);
  • President of Public organization “Association “Carbon” in Ukraine” (since 2009);
  • Chief-in-Editor of scientific journal “Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface” (since 2010);
  • Vice-President of Public Organization «Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine” (since 2016).



Since 2015: Academician-Secretary of Chemistry Division, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Since 2008: Director of the O.O. Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev; Head of Department of Physical Chemistry of NanoCarbon Materials.

R&D: Carbon nanotubes and graphene – development of synthesis, purification, enriching, fractioning, chemical modification, study of properties and medico-biological aspects, in particular, cytotoxicity and enzyme-like activity, as well an application of carbon nanomaterials as fillers to obtain novel composite materials. Organizing of semi-pilot production of nanocarbonaceous materials, their characterization and standardization, and researches in Institute, carrying out of scientific conferences, including international, publishing of Collection Books “Surface” and Scientific Journal “CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY OF SURFACE” (both – Chief-Editor).


1991 – 2007: Deputy Director of the Institute for Sorption and Problems of Endoecology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev; Head of Department of Adsorbents of Medical Assignment.

R&D: Researches of last period is connected with development, study, engineering and medical application of carbon enterosorbents «SCN» and «Carbovit», which are necessary for carrying out of preventive measures (prophylaxis) and treatment of chronic illnesses, including diseases of immune and ecology dependent character. Recently was proposed the technologies of preparing combined (carbon – clay – food fiber) enterosorbents «Ultrasorb», «Pectopal» and «Carboxikam» for removal radioactive isotopes of cesium, strontium, transuranic elements and ion of heavy metals from human organism.  Their efficiency is confirmed by official clinical tests, and some of them are producing by company “Farm-Holding-Ltd” (Kiev).

An essential attention is given to creation of semi-pilot and industrial technologies for producing various types of active carbons from resources of Ukraine: wood, anthracite, agriculture by-products (fruit stones, nuts shell, etc.) and industrial waste (plastics, gums, etc.). On these results the first enterprise in Ukraine - “Krona-Ltd.” (Khmelnitsky Reg.) on production of activated carbons from wood was created some years ago.

In 1998 the works in direction of use and utilization of national resources for deriving high-quality type activated carbons are marked by the Premium of the presidents of National Academies of Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine.


1979-1991: Principal Researcher of the V.I. Vernadsky Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev; Head of Laboratory of Synthetic Carbons and Carbonaceous Hemosorbents.

R&D: Scientific researches in this period were connected with requests of medicine and ecology: development and study the synthetic carbon adsorbents and their practical application. Due to this research for the first time is revealed unique adsorption, catalytic and electrochemical properties of synthetic carbons, which is produced from commercial co-polymers and resins. The quantitative correlation between level seaming initial co-polymers and structural adsorption properties of a final product - carbon adsorbent is established. It actually has allowed offering methods of thin regulation of porous structure of active carbon that was impossible earlier. It is more than that, the choice of the certain types of pores of co-polymers and resins allows to receive the activated carbons with the certain variety of pores (micro, meso- or macropores), that in case of usual and well-known types of technical activated carbons it fails to realize.

It is also proposed the original methods to introduce in a surface layer of synthetic carbon adsorbents the functional groups, which possess a high reactionary ability to substances with biological activity, ions of heavy metals and radionuclide’s, and also to form specific adsorptive, catalytic and electrochemical properties of carbon materials.

It is developed the pilot and industrial technologies for production of synthetic carbons SCN and SCS, fruit-stone carbons KAU, as well as carbon hemosorbents on their base. Mentioned technologies are implemented in Pridneprovsky Chemical Plant (Dneprodzerzhinsk) and Kiev Plant of Medical Preparations. The use of these adsorption materials in medical establishments of the former USSR has opened the possibility to grant an effective medical assistance to many thousands of the people with heavy illnesses and defeats. In particular, the implementation of synthetic active carbons in clinical practice as hemosorbents and enterosorbents has received of broad recognizing.

Mentioned scientific investigations were also interesting for military medicine and service of Civil Defense, so were partially supported by Ministry of Defense of the USSR, particularly for creation of adsorption medical means and methods of treatment against defeats of military staff from the weapon of a mass erasure, first of all combined radiation thermal defeats, neutralization of an operation of some poisoning chemical substances, crush-syndrome etc.

Developed carbon hemosorbents and enterosorbents were applied with success to preventive maintenance and treatment the personals, which participated in liquidation of consequences of Chernobyl NPP catastrophe with the purpose of reduction accumulation of radionuclide’s in an organism and acceleration of their removal from an organism, as well as depuration of majorities of radiotoxines.

In 1986 the cycle of scientific works on synthesis and application of medical carbon adsorbents is marked by the State Premium of Ukraine in the field of a science and engineering. R&D in this direction was generalized in a Doctoral Thesis in 1989.


1974-1979: Researcher of the L.V. Pysarzhevsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv; Head of Scientific Group.

R&D: Researches of this period were devoted to studying features of radiation chemical effects in interfaces of systems «adsorbent-adsorbate». As adsorbents were silica gels, disperse alumina, alumina-silicates, oxides of titanium, zirconium, magnesium etc. As adsorbates were preferably simplest gases: ammonia, methane, carbon dioxide, some amines and their derivatives. The obtained results become the essential installment to construction of a general theory of radiation chemical transformations of adsorbed substances. In particular, it was advanced new submissions about the mechanism of participation of adsorbent surface in destruction and reorganization of adsorbed molecules. The possibility of effective realization of radiation chemical synthesis on a surface of porous oxides, for example, amino acids, peptides, organic acids etc. was shown. R&D in this direction was generalized in a Candidate Thesis in 1975 and a monograph «Radiation Chemical Processes in Heterogeneous Systems on the Base of Disperse Oxides» was published in 1981.



  • INTAS-93-2725: Development of New Types of Active Carbons, Inorganic Oxides and Phosphates as Selective Adsorbents and Carriers for Catalysts, and Their Application in Industry (1994-1997). Coordinator – Prof. F. Rodriguez-Reinoso, Alicante, Spain.
  • INTAS-94-3608: Decontamination of Exhaust Gases and Sewage Water by Chemically Modified Inorganic Ion Exchangers and Active Carbons (1995-1997). Coordinator – Prof. J. Lahaye, Mulhouse, France.
  • INTAS-94-3134: Biomagnetic and Adsorptive Decontamination of Polluted Water and Sludge from Heavy Metals and Radionuclide’s (1995-1998). Coordinator – Prof. J. Watson, Loughborough, UK.
  • INTAS-94-3033: Blood Biomaterial Surface Interaction and Biocompatibility of Artificial Organs and Assist Devices (1996-1999). Coordinator – J. Courtney, Glasgow, UK.
  • INTAS-96-1023: Formation and Development of Microporosity in Precursors and Polymer-Pyrolized Activated Carbons with Regard to Separation, Concentration and Storage of Methane (1998-2000). Coordinator – Prof. M. Streat, Bass, UK.
  • INTAS-00-174: Water Purification for Food Production (2001-2003). Coordinator – Dr. G. Abbt-Braun, Karlsruhe, Germany.
  • CRDF-UC2-292: To Develop Sorbents and Inorganic Ion Exchangers for Nuclear Waste Remediation Including Groundwater, Soils, Tank Wastes, and to Remove Radionuclide’s from humans and Animals (1997-1999). Coordinator – Prof. A. Clearfield, Texas A&M University, USA.
  • CRDF-UC2-2418-02-KV: Biocompatible Carbon-Based Oxygen Sensors (2002-2004). Coordinator – Dr. B. Odintsov, University of Illinois, USA.
  • NATO SfP 977995: Novel Adsorption-Filtering Materials for Individual Protective Systems (2002-2006). Coordinator – Dr. N. Kanellopoulos, Athens, Greece.
  • PIRSES-GA-2011-295260: Ecological Application of Nanosorbents on the Base of Natural and Synthetic Ionites and Carbons /ECONANOSORB/ (2013-2016). Coordinator from Ukraine Prof. M.T. Kartel. 



Is author and co-author of more than 600 publications, including 3 monographes, more than 300 papers in scientific journals, and more than 90 certificates and patents on the inventions.


The most significant from them for the last  years are following:

  1. Influence of nitrogen atoms introduced into the graphite-concrete carbon nanocluster on the H2 adsorption / E.M.Demianenko, V.V.Lobanov, O.S.Karpenko, A.G.Grebenyuk, M.T.Kartel // Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface. Ukr. Conf. with Intern. part. 23-24 May 2018, Kyiv, Ukraine. – P. 41.
  2. Preparation, characterization and catalytic activity of nanoceria / A.M.Grinko, A.V.Brichka, O.M.Bakalinska, S.Ya.Brichka, M.T.Kartel // Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface. Ukr. Conf. with Intern. part. 23-24 May 2018, Kyiv, Ukraine. – P. 59.
  3. Evaluation of the sorptive properties of sugarcane bagasse and straw materials for water purification / V.Halysh, D.M. de Carvalho, A.V.Riazanova, B.Pasalskiy, M.Lindstrom, M.Kartel, O.Sevastyanova // Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface. Ukr. Conf. with Intern. part. 23-24 May 2018, Kyiv, Ukraine. – P. 63.
  4. Thermal transformation of cinnamic and aliphatic carboxylic acids on the nanoceria surface / T.Kulik, N.Nastasienko, B.Palianytsia, M.Larsson, M.Kartel // Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface. Ukr. Conf. with Intern. part. 23-24 May 2018, Kyiv, Ukraine. – P. 92.
  5. Adsorption of natural cinnamic acids on the nanoceria surface / N.O.Lipkovska, V.M.Barvinchenko, T.V.Kulik, M.Larsson, M.T.Kartel // Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface. Ukr. Conf. with Intern. part. 23-24 May 2018, Kyiv, Ukraine. – P. 97.
  6.  Influence of solid and liquid hydrophobic compounds on characteristics of water located in an adsorption layer or a hydrophilic component of the system / V.V.Turov, V.M.Gun’ko, T.V.Krupska, M.T.Kartel // Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface. Ukr. Conf. with Intern. part. 23-24 May 2018, Kyiv, Ukraine. – P. 164.
  7. Structure and physico-chtmical properties of graphene-like nanodots / O.S.Karpenko, E.M.Demianenko, V.V.Lobanov, N.T.Kartel // X Intern. conf. “Topical Problems of Semiconductor Physics”. 26-29 June 2018, Truskavets, Ukraine. – 2018. – P. 48.
  8. The pyrogenic synthesis of a complex metal-oxide catalyst for the growth of carbon nanotubes / O.A.Cherniuk, S.V.Zhuravsky, Yu.I.Sementsov, M.T.Kartel // NANO-2018. Intern. research and practice conf.: Nanotrchnology and Nanomaterials. 27-30 August 2018, Kyiv, Ukraine. – P. 37.
  9. Study of cinnamic acids thermal transformations on the nanoceria surface by using IR spectroscopy and TPD-MS / T.Kulik, n.Nastasiienko, B.Palianytsia, M.Larsson, M.Kartel // XVI Polish-Ukrainian Symp. Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Interfacial Phenomena and Their Technological Application. August 28-31, 2018. Lublin, Poland. – P. 85.
  10. Nanochemistry for solving the problems in endo- and exo-ecology / V.V.Turov, T.V.Krupska, A.P.Golovan, M.T.Kartel // XVI Polish-Ukrainian Symp. Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Interfacial Phenomena and Their Technological Application. August 28-31, 2018. Lublin, Poland. – P. 173.
  11.  Influence of nitrogen atoms introduced to the graphene-like carbon nanocluster on the H2 adsorption / E.Demianenko, V.Lobanov, O.Karpenko, A.Grebenyuk, M.Kartel // Матер. XVII міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. «Відновлювана енергетика та енергоефективність у ХХІ столітті» 26-28 вересня 2018, Київ, Україна. – С. 53.
  12.  New functionalization of 2D photonic macroporous silicon structures under the high-pressure oxidation / M.Kartel, L.Karachevtseva // INTERPHOTONICS 2018. Intern. Conf. on Photonics Research. October 8-12, 2018, Kemer-Antalya, Turkey, 2018. – Id-065.
  13.  Influence of the “wetting–drying” compaction on the adsorptive characteristics of nanosilica A-300 / T.V.Krupskaya, V.V.Turov, V.M.Barvinchenko, K.O.Filatova, L.A.Suvorova, Iraci Gianluca, M.T.Kartel // Adsorption Science and Technology. – 2018. – Vol. 36 (1-2). – P. 300-310.
  14. Дослідження взаємодії кавової кислоти з поверхнею нанорозмірного діоксиду церію методами термодесорбційної мас-спектрометрії та ІЧ-спектроскопії / Н.С.Настасієнко, Б.Б.Паляниця, М.Т.Картель, М.Ларссон, Т.В.Кулик // Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні. – 2018. – Т. 9, №3. – С. 275-288.
  15. Catalytic decomposition of organic peroxides in non-aqueous media under metal free nanoporous and nanosized catalysts / K.V.Voitko, O.M.Bakalinska, M.T.Kartel // Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface. – 2018. – Т. 9, №3. – С. 289-300.
  16. Water interactions with hydrophobic versus hydrophylic nanosilica / V.M.Gun’ko, V.V.Turov, E.M.Pakhlov, T.V.Krupska, M.V.Borysenko, M.T.Kartel, B.Charmas // Langmuir. – 2018. – Vol. 34. – P. 12145-12153.
  17.  Influence of hydrophobic nanosilica and hydrophobic medium on water bound in hydrophilic components of complex systems / V.V.Turov, V.M.Gun’ko, E.M.Pakhlov, T.V.Krupska, M.D.Tsapko, B.Charmas, M.T.Kartel // Colloid and Surfaces A. – 2018. – Vol. 552. – P. 39-47.
  18. Mechanism of destruction of benzoyl peroxide on surface of sp2-type carbon nanomaterials / M.Kartel, L.Karachevtseva, Wang Bo, D.Haliarnyk, O.Bakalinska, T.Kulik, B.Palyanytsa, Ye.Demianenko, A.Grebenyuk, V.Kuts // Advanced Materials Letters. – 2018. – Vol. 9, N6. – P. 450-455.
  19. Testing the compatibility of the orthopedic implants material with the recipient’s body in arthroplastic using atomic force microscopy (AFM) / I.V.Boiko, V.B.Zaft, G.O.Lazarenko, T.A.Aleksyeyeva, N.T.Kartel, P.M.Lytvyn // Juniper Online Journal of Orthopedic & Orthoplastic Surgery. – 2018. – Vol. 1, N5. – P. 001-005.
  20. Surface polymerization of monomers on the polyethylene terephtalate membrane in low temperature plasma for water treatment / V.Trachevskyi, P.Vakuliuk, N.Kartel, Wang Bo // Chemistry & Chemical Technology. – 2018. – Vol. 12, N1. – P. 64-68
  21. Study of tribological properties of natural rubber containing carbon nanotubes and carbon black as hybrid fillers / E.Harea, R.Stocek, L.Storozhuk, Yu.Sementsov, N.Kartel // Applied Nanoscience. – 2018.
  22. Functionalization of 2D macroporous silicon under the high-pressure oxidation / L.Karachevtseva, M.Kartel, V.Kladko, O.Gudymenko, Wang Bo, V.Bratus, O.Lytvynenko, V.Onyshchenko, O.Stronska // Applied Surface Science. – 2018. – Vol. 434. – P. 142-147.
  23. Исследование влияния ряда наночастиц на эритроциты методом SPR / Л.В.Иванов, Н.Т.Картель, Е.В.Щербак // LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2018. – 105 p.
  24. Маскувальний захисний елемент / М.Т.Картель, П.П.Горбик, С.М.Махно, В.П.Маслов, Г.М.Гуня // Патент України № 123033 від 12.02.2018.
  25. Спосіб одержання комбінованих біосорбентів зі шкаралуп кісточок абрикосу / В.В.Галиш, М.Т.Картель, В.В.Мілютін, А.А.Ніколайчук // Патент України № 116599 від 10.04.2018.



1. The Names of Ukraine. – Kyiv: Fenix, 2002. - P. 239.
2. Who's Who in Science and Engineering (2002-2003). VIP#SC062587D.          
3. Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University. By Ways of Success. Vol. III. - Kyiv: Svit Uspikhu, 2008. – P. 136.
4. Who is Who in Ukraine. - Kyiv: K.I.C., 2004. – P. 337.
5. Kievities. Biographical Dictionary. – Kyiv: Fenix, 2004. – P. 162.
6. Mykola Tymofiyovych Kartel. Bio-bibliography of Ukrainian Scientists. – Kyiv: National Academy of Science of Ukraine, 2008. – 122 p.
7.Science in Ukraine. – Kyiv: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukrainian Academy of Heraldry, 2008. – Vol.1 (2nd Edition). – P. 159-160.
8.National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 1918-2013. Personality (6th Edition). Kyiv: Fenix, 2013. – P. 57.