Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface, 2013, 4 (2), 132-150.

Exoemissive spectroscopy of the CsI irradiated surfaces defects

P. V. Galiy, T. N. Nenchuk, O. Ya. Tuziak, I. R. Jarovets


The interconnection between the radiation segregation of the defects in the nominally clean and doped cesium iodide, their state of “aggregation”, and the phenomenon of thermally stimulated exoelectron emission has been studied. Radiation defects types were determined – electron and hole color centers playing the leading part in the thermostimulated exoelectron emission of the CsI in the wide range of electron and ultraviolet irradiation densities and doses. It has been shown that the method of exoelectronic emissive spectroscopy of radiation-exited CsI is capable for impurities detection of these crystals at the early stages of defects formation and can be used for the comparison of radiation resistance of the crystals as well. Critical capacity and absorbed doses at room temperature have been estimated causing surface destruction and radiation-induced defect formation in the crystals. Radiation damage results in surface destruction and in segregation of the of some component.

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