Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface, 2014, 5 (3), 275-283.

STM study of organization of diarylethene molecules on the Au(111) surface

S. V. Snegir, A. L. Kapitanchuk, O. O. Koshova, A. A. Marchenko


The self-organisation of terphenylthiazole based diarylethene on Au(111) is studied using scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM). The observations of thickness variation of monolayer of molecules revealed process of molecular geometry changing on Au (111). The signs of molecular ordering on the basis of regularly repeated protrusions are detected. The unit cell of molecular packing is found to be equivalent for monolayers build by molecules in open- and closed-ring forms. For the purpose of interpretation of STM images, quantum chemical calculations of the spatial and electronic structures of the free molecule in neutral state are performed.


diarylethene; self-organisation; STM; monolayer; Au(111)

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Copyright (©) 2014 S. V. Snegir, A. L. Kapitanchuk, O. O. Koshova, A. A. Marchenko

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